enable_lens_corr = False # turn on for straighter lines...
import sensor, image, time
sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # grayscale is faster
sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000)
clock = time.clock()
# All lines also have `x1()`, `y1()`, `x2()`, and `y2()` methods to get their end-points
# and a `line()` method to get all the above as one 4 value tuple for `draw_line()`.
img = sensor.snapshot()
if enable_lens_corr: img.lens_corr(1.8) # for 2.8mm lens...
# `merge_distance` controls the merging of nearby lines. At 0 (the default), no
# merging is done. At 1, any line 1 pixel away from another is merged... and so
# on as you increase this value. You may wish to merge lines as line segment
# detection produces a lot of line segment results.
# `max_theta_diff` controls the maximum amount of rotation difference between
# any two lines about to be merged. The default setting allows for 15 degrees.
for l in img.find_line_segments(merge_distance = 0, max_theta_diff = 5):
img.draw_line(l.line(), color = (255, 0, 0))
# print(l)
print("FPS %f" % clock.fps())