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  • 必看:玩转星瞳论坛了解一下图片上传,代码格式等问题。
  • 为什么会报错 Out of fast Frame Buffer Stack Memory呢?

    • 请在这里粘贴代码
      # 旋转校正
      # This example shows off how to use the rotation_corr() to both correct for
      # perspective distortion and then to rotate the new corrected image in 3D
      # space aftwards to handle movement.
      # 这个例子展示了如何使用rotation_corr()来纠正透视图的失真,
      # 然后在3D空间中向右旋转新的校正后的图像来处理移动。
      import sensor, image, time
      sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000)
      clock = time.clock()
      # The image will be warped such that the following points become the new:
      # 图像将变形,使以下几点成为新的:
      #   (0,   0)
      #   (w-1, 0)
      #   (w-1, h-1)
      #   (0,   h-1)
      # Try setting the points below to the corners of a quadrilateral
      # (in clock-wise order) in the field-of-view. You can get points
      # on the image by clicking and dragging on the frame buffer and
      # recording the values shown in the histogram widget.
      # 试着把下面的点设置到一个四边形的角上(按时钟顺序)。
      # 您可以通过单击和拖动帧缓冲区并记录histogram小部件中显示的值来获得图像上的点。
      w = sensor.width()
      h = sensor.height()
      TARGET_POINTS = [(0,   0),   # (x, y) CHANGE ME!
                       (w-1, 0),   # (x, y) CHANGE ME!
                       (w-1, h-1), # (x, y) CHANGE ME!
                       (0,   h-1)] # (x, y) CHANGE ME!
      # Degrees per frame to rotation by...
      # 每帧旋转的角度…
      X_OFFSET = 0
      Y_OFFSET = 0
      ZOOM_AMOUNT = 1 # Lower zooms out - Higher zooms in. 较低的值缩小-较高的放大
      FOV_WINDOW = 25 # Between 0 and 180. Represents the field-of-view of the scene
                      # window when rotating the image in 3D space. When closer to
                      # zero results in lines becoming straighter as the window
                      # moves away from the image being rotated in 3D space. A large
                      # value moves the window closer to the image in 3D space which
                      # results in the more perspective distortion and sometimes
                      # the image in 3D intersecting the scene window.
                      # 在0和180之间。表示在三维空间中旋转图像时场景窗口的视场。
                      # 当接近于0时,随着窗口远离在三维空间中旋转的图像,直线会变得更直。
                      # 在三维空间中,较大的值会使窗口更靠近图像,从而导致更多的透视畸变,
                      # 有时会导致三维图像与场景窗口相交。
      x_rotation_counter = 0
      y_rotation_counter = 0
      z_rotation_counter = 0
          img = sensor.snapshot().rotation_corr(x_rotation = x_rotation_counter, \
                                                y_rotation = y_rotation_counter, \
                                                z_rotation = z_rotation_counter, \
                                                x_translation = X_OFFSET, \
                                                y_translation = Y_OFFSET, \
                                                zoom = ZOOM_AMOUNT, \
                                                fov = FOV_WINDOW, \
                                                corners = TARGET_POINTS)
          x_rotation_counter += X_ROTATION_DEGREE_RATE
          y_rotation_counter += Y_ROTATION_DEGREE_RATE
          z_rotation_counter += Z_ROTATION_DEGREE_RATE


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