import sensor, image, time from pyb import UART import json sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must turn this off to prevent image washout... clock = time.clock() uart = UART(3, 115200) while(True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() img.lens_corr(1.8) # strength of 1.8 is good for the 2.8mm lens. for code in img.find_qrcodes(): img.draw_rectangle(code.rect(), color = (255, 0, 0)) output_str = json.dumps(code) print('you send:',output_str) uart.write(output_str+'\n') else: print('not found!')
output_str = '%d,%d,%d,%d' % (code.x(), code.y(), code.w(), code.h())