# Untitled - By: Administrator - 周二 12月 8 2020 # AprilTags Example # # This example shows the power of the OpenMV Cam to detect April Tags # on the OpenMV Cam M7. The M4 versions cannot detect April Tags. import sensor, image, time, math,network, usocket, sys, json SSID ='OPENMV_AP' # Network SSID KEY ='1234567890' # Network key (must be 10 chars) HOST = '' # Use first available interface PORT = 8080 # Arbitrary non-privileged port green_threshold = ( 0, 80, -70, -10, -0, 30) sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # we run out of memory if the resolution is much bigger... sensor.skip_frames(30) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must turn this off to prevent image washout... sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must turn this off to prevent image washout... clock = time.clock() # 注意!与find_qrcodes不同,find_apriltags 不需要软件矫正畸变就可以工作。 # 注意,输出的姿态的单位是弧度,可以转换成角度,但是位置的单位是和你的大小有关,需要等比例换算 # f_x 是x的像素为单位的焦距。对于标准的OpenMV,应该等于2.8/3.984*656,这个值是用毫米为单位的焦距除以x方向的感光元件的长度,乘以x方向的感光元件的像素(OV7725) # f_y 是y的像素为单位的焦距。对于标准的OpenMV,应该等于2.8/2.952*488,这个值是用毫米为单位的焦距除以y方向的感光元件的长度,乘以y方向的感光元件的像素(OV7725) # c_x 是图像的x中心位置 # c_y 是图像的y中心位置 # Init wlan module in AP mode. wlan = network.WINC() wlan.connect(SSID, key=KEY, security=wlan.WPA_PSK) #wlan.start_ap(SSID, key=KEY, security=wlan.WEP, channel=2) # You can block waiting for client to connect #print(wlan.wait_for_sta(10000)) def response(s): print ('Waiting for connections..') client, addr = s.accept() # set client socket timeout to 2s client.settimeout(2.0) print ('Connected to ' + addr[0] + ':' + str(addr[1])) # Read request from client data = client.recv(1024) # Should parse client request here # Send multipart header client.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" \ "Server: OpenMV\r\n" \ "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" \ "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n" \ "Pragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n") # FPS clock clock = time.clock() client.send(dx) client.close() f_x = (2.8 / 3.984) * 160 # 默认值 f_y = (2.8 / 2.952) * 120 # 默认值 c_x = 160 * 0.5 # 默认值(image.w * 0.5) c_y = 120 * 0.5 # 默认值(image.h * 0.5) def degrees(radians): return (180 * radians) / math.pi while(True): s = usocket.socket(usocket.AF_INET, usocket.SOCK_STREAM) try: # Bind and listen s.bind([HOST, PORT]) s.listen(5) # Set server socket timeout # NOTE: Due to a WINC FW bug, the server socket must be closed and reopened if # the client disconnects. Use a timeout here to close and re-create the socket. s.settimeout(3) response(s) except OSError as e: s.close() print("socket error: ", e) #sys.print_exception(e) clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() for tag in img.find_apriltags(fx=f_x, fy=f_y, cx=c_x, cy=c_y): # 默认为TAG36H11 img.draw_rectangle(tag.rect(), color = (255, 0, 0)) img.draw_cross(tag.cx(), tag.cy(), color = (0, 255, 0)) d=dx=dy=dz=1.0 Tx=abs(tag.x_translation()) Ty=abs(tag.y_translation()) Tz=abs(tag.z_translation()) dx=27.33*Tx dy=27.33*Ty dz=27.33*Tz print_args = (dx, dy, dz, \ degrees(tag.x_rotation()), degrees(tag.y_rotation()), degrees(tag.z_rotation())) # 位置的单位是未知的,旋转的单位是角度 print("Tx: %f, Ty %f, Tz %f, Rx %f, Ry %f, Rz %f" % print_args) import requests dx = requests.get('') dy = requests.get('') dz = requests.get('')