人脸识别为什么无法使用?显示NameError: name '“frontalface”' is not defined
import sensor, time, image, pyb
from pyb import UART
sensor.reset() # Initialize the camera sensor.
sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) # or sensor.GRAYSCALE
sensor.set_framesize(sensor.B128X128) # or sensor.QQVGA (or others)
sensor.skip_frames(10) # Let new settings take affect.
sensor.skip_frames(time = 5000) #等待5suart = UART(3,9600)
face_cascade = image.HaarCascade(“frontalface”, stages=25)
pyb.LED(1).on()# Red LED = 1, Green LED = 2, Blue LED = 3, IR LEDs = 4.
NUM_SUBJECTS = 6 #图像库中不同人数,一共6人
NUM_SUBJECTS_IMGS = 20 #每人有20张样本图片
img = sensor.snapshot()
objects = img.find_features(face_cascade, threshold=0.75, scale_factor=1.25)
if objects:
pyb.LED(1).off()# Red LED = 1, Green LED = 2, Blue LED = 3, IR LEDs = 4.
pyb.LED(2).on()# Red LED = 1, Green LED = 2, Blue LED = 3, IR LEDs = 4.
for r in objects:
flag=False#img = image.Image(“singtown/%s/1.pgm”%(SUB))
d0 = ROIimg.find_lbp((0, 0, img.width(), img.height()))
img = None
pmin = 999999
num=0def min(pmin, a, s):
global num if a<pmin: pmin=a num=s return pmin
for s in range(1, NUM_SUBJECTS+1): # s=1
dist = 0 for i in range(1, NUM_SUBJECTS_IMGS+1): img = image.Image("data/s%d/%d.pgm"%(s, i)) #.pgm or "example.bmp" (or others) d1 = img.find_lbp((0, 0, img.width(), img.height())) #d1为第s文件夹中的第i张图片的lbp特征 dist += image.match_descriptor(d0, d1)#计算d0 d1即样本图像与被检测人脸的特征差异度。 print("Average dist for subject %d: %d"%(s, dist/NUM_SUBJECTS_IMGS)) pmin = min(pmin, dist/NUM_SUBJECTS_IMGS, s)#特征差异度越小,被检测人脸与此样本更相似更匹配。 if pmin<50000: message = "liujuan" uart.write(message) #绿灯灭 pyb.LED(2).off()# Red LED = 1, Green LED = 2, Blue LED = 3, IR LEDs = 4. #蓝灯亮 pyb.LED(3).on()# Red LED = 1, Green LED = 2, Blue LED = 3, IR LEDs = 4. print(message) print(pmin) print(num) # num为当前最匹配的人的编号。
我用的不是官方例程里面的代码,麻烦你认真看一下,我的问题是显示NameError: name '“frontalface”' is not defined
@kidswong999 引用的是例程7人脸识别的代码
复制例程里面的确实可以使用,但是我写出来的就会显示这个错误# 人脸识别例程 # # 这个例子展示了OpenMV Cam的内置人脸检测功能。 # # 人脸检测通过在图像上使用Haar Cascade特征检测器来工作。 haar级联是 # 一系列简单的区域对比检查。 对于内置的前表面探测器,有25个阶段的检查, # 每个阶段有数百个检查一块。 Haar Cascades运行速度很快,因为只有在 # 以前的阶段过去后才会评估后期阶段。 此外,您的OpenMV使用称为 # 整体图像的数据结构来在恒定时间内快速执行每个区域对比度检查 #(特征检测仅为灰度的原因是因为整体图像的空间需求)。 import sensor, time, image # Reset sensor sensor.reset() # Sensor settings sensor.set_contrast(1) sensor.set_gainceiling(16) # HQVGA and GRAYSCALE are the best for face tracking. sensor.set_framesize(sensor.HQVGA) sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) #注意人脸识别只能用灰度图哦 # Load Haar Cascade # By default this will use all stages, lower satges is faster but less accurate. face_cascade = image.HaarCascade("frontalface", stages=25) #image.HaarCascade(path, stages=Auto)加载一个haar模型。haar模型是二进制文件, #这个模型如果是自定义的,则引号内为模型文件的路径;也可以使用内置的haar模型, #比如“frontalface” 人脸模型或者“eye”人眼模型。 #stages值未传入时使用默认的stages。stages值设置的小一些可以加速匹配,但会降低准确率。 print(face_cascade) # FPS clock clock = time.clock() while (True): clock.tick() # Capture snapshot img = sensor.snapshot() # Find objects. # Note: Lower scale factor scales-down the image more and detects smaller objects. # Higher threshold results in a higher detection rate, with more false positives. objects = img.find_features(face_cascade, threshold=0.75, scale=1.35) #image.find_features(cascade, threshold=0.5, scale=1.5),thresholds越大, #匹配速度越快,错误率也会上升。scale可以缩放被匹配特征的大小。 #在找到的目标上画框,标记出来 # Draw objects for r in objects: img.draw_rectangle(r) # Print FPS. # Note: Actual FPS is higher, streaming the FB makes it slower. print(clock.fps())