import sensor, image, time, math from pyb import UART sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # we run out of memory if the resolution is much bigger... sensor.skip_frames(30) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must turn this off to prevent image washout... sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must turn this off to prevent image washout... clock = time.clock() f_x = (2.8 / 3.984) * 160 # 默认值 f_y = (2.8 / 2.952) * 120 # 默认值 c_x = 160 * 0.5 # 默认值(image.w * 0.5) c_y = 120 * 0.5 # 默认值(image.h * 0.5) def degrees(radians): return (180 * radians) / math.pi while(True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() for tag in img.find_apriltags(families=image.TAG25H9, fx=f_x, fy=f_y, cx=c_x, cy=c_y): # 默认为TAG36H11 img.draw_rectangle(tag.rect(), color = (255, 0, 0)) img.draw_cross(tag.cx(), tag.cy(), color = (0, 255, 0)) degress = tag.rotation() print_args = (tag.x_translation(), tag.y_translation(), tag.z_translation(), \ degrees(tag.x_rotation()), degrees(tag.y_rotation()), degrees(tag.z_rotation())) # 位置的单位是未知的,旋转的单位是角度 #print("Tx: %f, Ty %f, Tz %f, Rx %f, Ry %f, Rz %f" % print_args) #print(tag.id(),degress) x = 0 y = 0 def tag_id(t): global x global y if (t == 0): x = 27.5 y = 27.5 elif (t == 1): x = 127.5 y = 27.5 elif (t == 2): x = 227.5 y = 27.5 tag_id(tag.id()) o = tag.x_translation() p = tag.y_translation() q = tag.z_translation() a = o*o + p*p + q*q k = 30 b = k*math.sqrt(a) c = b*b-10*10 d = math.sqrt(c) #print(d) α = tag.rotation() if 0 < α < math.pi/2: m = x - d*math.sin(α) n = y + d*math.cos(α) if 3*math.pi/2 < α < 2*math.pi: m = x + d*math.sin(360-α) n = y + d*math.cos(360-α) if math.pi/2 < α < math.pi: m = x - d*math.sin(180-α) n = y - d*math.cos(180-α) if math.pi < α < 3*math.pi/2: m = x + d*math.sin(α-180) n = y - d*math.cos(α-180) #print(m, n) uart = UART(3, 115200) #output_str="[%d%03d%03d%03d]" % (1,m,n,α) #uart.write(output_str+'\r\n') time.sleep(100) img = sensor.snapshot().lens_corr(1.8) for c in img.find_circles(threshold = 3500, x_margin = 10, y_margin = 10, r_margin = 10,r_min = 2, r_max = 100, r_step = 2): img.draw_circle(c.x(), c.y(), c.r(), color = (255, 0, 0)) print(c)
img = sensor.snapshot().lens_corr(1.8) for c in img.find_circles(threshold = 3500, x_margin = 10, y_margin = 10, r_margin = 10,r_min = 2, r_max = 100, r_step = 2): img.draw_circle(c.x(), c.y(), c.r(), color = (255, 0, 0)) print(c)
@kidswong999 老师我改了缩进以后可以同时识别tag标签和圆形了,但是出来的图像一抖一抖的是为什么