import sensor, image, time, os, tf, uos, gc, pyb, machine,math,tf from pyb import UART uart = UART(3, 9600) sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.set_windowing((240, 240)) sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) net = None labels = None ROI = (20,20,200,200) try: # load the model, alloc the model file on the heap if we have at least 64K free after loading net = tf.load("trained.tflite", load_to_fb=uos.stat('trained.tflite')[6] > (gc.mem_free() - (64*1024))) except Exception as e: print(e) raise Exception('Failed to load "trained.tflite", did you copy the .tflite and labels.txt file onto the mass-storage device? (' + str(e) + ')') try: labels = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open("labels.txt")] except Exception as e: raise Exception('Failed to load "labels.txt", did you copy the .tflite and labels.txt file onto the mass-storage device? (' + str(e) + ')') clock = time.clock() def compare(): img1 = sensor.snapshot() img1.draw_rectangle(ROI) statistics = img1.get_statistics(roi = ROI) img2 = sensor.snapshot() img2.draw_rectangle(ROI) statistics2 = img2.get_statistics(roi = ROI) num1 = statistics.mode() num2 = statistics.mode() if(abs(num1-num2)>20):return 1 else:return 0 def rubbish(): clock.tick() pyb.delay(1000) img = sensor.snapshot() # default settings just do one detection... change them to search the image... for obj in net.classify(img, min_scale=1.0, scale_mul=0.8, x_overlap=0.5, y_overlap=0.5): print("**********\nPredictions at [x=%d,y=%d,w=%d,h=%d]" % obj.rect()) img.draw_rectangle(obj.rect()) # This combines the labels and confidence values into a list of tuples predictions_list = list(zip(labels, obj.output())) for i in range(len(predictions_list)): print("%s = %f" % (predictions_list[i][0], predictions_list[i][1])) print(clock.fps(), "fps") if (sum(predictions_list[i][1])/len(predictions_list[i][1]))>0.8: print(prediction_list[i][1]) uart.write(predictions_list[i][0]) else: rubbish() if(compare()==1): rubbish() while(True): if uart.any(): notice = uart.readline().decode() if notice =='G': rubbish()
import sensor, image, time, os, tf, uos, gc, pyb, machine,math,tf from pyb import UART uart = UART(3, 9600) sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.set_windowing((240, 240)) sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) net = None labels = None ROI = (20,20,200,200) try: # load the model, alloc the model file on the heap if we have at least 64K free after loading net = tf.load("trained.tflite", load_to_fb=uos.stat('trained.tflite')[6] > (gc.mem_free() - (64*1024))) except Exception as e: print(e) raise Exception('Failed to load "trained.tflite", did you copy the .tflite and labels.txt file onto the mass-storage device? (' + str(e) + ')') try: labels = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open("labels.txt")] except Exception as e: raise Exception('Failed to load "labels.txt", did you copy the .tflite and labels.txt file onto the mass-storage device? (' + str(e) + ')') clock = time.clock() def compare(): img1 = sensor.snapshot() img1.draw_rectangle(ROI) statistics = img1.get_statistics(roi = ROI) img2 = sensor.snapshot() img2.draw_rectangle(ROI) statistics2 = img2.get_statistics(roi = ROI) num1 = statistics.mode() num2 = statistics.mode() if(abs(num1-num2)>50): return 1 #print("1")return 0 def rubbish(): clock.tick() pyb.delay(1000) img = sensor.snapshot() # default settings just do one detection... change them to search the image... for obj in net.classify(img, min_scale=1.0, scale_mul=0.8, x_overlap=0.5, y_overlap=0.5): print("**********\nPredictions at [x=%d,y=%d,w=%d,h=%d]" % obj.rect()) img.draw_rectangle(obj.rect()) # This combines the labels and confidence values into a list of tuples predictions_list = list(zip(labels, obj.output())) for i in range(len(predictions_list)): print("%s = %f" % (predictions_list[i][0], predictions_list[i][1])) print(clock.fps(), "fps") if (sum(predictions_list[i][1])/len(predictions_list[i][1]))>0.8: print(prediction_list[i][1]) uart.write(predictions_list[i][0]) while(True): res = compare() if(res==1): print(OK) rubbish() while(True): if uart.any(): notice = uart.readline().decode() if notice =='G': rubbish()