import sensor, image , time #导入摄像头,机器视觉,时间模块 from pyb import UART,LED #从pyb中导入UART(串口)模块,LED模块 import ustruct import json #开启LED灯 LED(1).on() LED(2).on() LED(3).on() #摄像头设置 sensor.reset() #Initialize the camera sensor. sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565)#use RGB565. sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) #use QQVGA for speed. sensor.skip_frames(10) #Let new settings take affect. sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) #turn this off. clock = time.clock() #Tracks EPS yellow_threshold = ( 46, 100, -68, 72, 58, 92) #颜色阙值设置(此处为红色颜色阀值) size_threshold = 9000 #目标色块面积设置 uart = UART (3,115200)#定义串口3变量 uart.init(115200, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1) #串口初始化设置 #寻找最大色块函数 def find_max(blobs): max_size=0 for blob in blobs: if blob[2]*blob[3] > max_size: max_blob=blob max_size = blob[2]*blob[3] return max_blob while(True): clock.tick() #时钟设置 img = sensor.snapshot() #获取一张图像 blobs = img.find_blobs ([yellow_threshold]) #调用寻找色块函数 #找到目标颜色色块 if blobs: max_blob = find_max (blobs) #找到目标颜色物体中面积最大的物体 x_error = max_blob[5] #目标颜色物体的中心横坐标 y_error = max_blob[6] width = max_blob[2]#目标颜色物体的宽度 hight = max_blob[3]#目标颜色物体的高度 img.draw_rectangle(max_blob[0:4]) #用方块圈出目标颜色物体 img.draw_cross(max_blob[5],max_blob[6]) #对目标颜色物体画十字 x_error = round(x_error) #对目标颜色物体的中心横坐标取整数 y_error = round(y_error) width = round(width)#目标颜色物体的宽度取整数 hight = round(hight)#目标颜色物体的高度取整数 a = x_error-width /2#计算出小球边缘靠左还是靠右 print("x error and y error and width and hight and a :",x_error,y_error,width,hight,a) elif a<=77: uart.write('1')#距离小于77给串口发送1 print('1') elif(a>=227): uart.write('2')#距离大于227给串口发送2 print('2') elif(a>77 and a<227): uart.write('3')#距离在77-227之间给串口发送3 print('3') else: uart.write ('0') #没找到目标颜色物体通过串口发送字符1 print ('0')