import sensor, image, time, sys sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must be turned off for color tracking sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must be turned off for color tracking #sensor.set_auto_exposure(False, 500)#这里设置曝光时间 Max_dict={'R':0,'G':0,'B':0} def find_max(blobs): max_size=0 for blob in blobs: if blob.pixels() > max_size: max_blob=blob max_size = blob.pixels() return max_blob thresholds = [(100, 0, -32, 6, -128, 127), # 红色 (58, 100, -2, 127, -11, 21),# 绿色 (100, 9, -49, 19, 12, 67)] # 蓝色 clock = time.clock() Curr_number=0 while(Curr_number<20): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() for i in range(3): blobs = img.find_blobs([thresholds[i]], pixels_threshold=30, area_threshold=30, merge=True) if blobs: max_blob_sum=find_max(blobs).pixels() if i==0: Max_dict['R']=max_blob_sum elif i==1: Max_dict['G']=max_blob_sum elif i==2: Max_dict['B']=max_blob_sum ''' for blob in blobs: if blob.code(): img.draw_cross(blob.cx(), blob.cy()) img.draw_rectangle(blob.rect()) ''' Curr_number+=1 print(clock.fps()) #(Max_dict, key=Max_dict.get() #出错 未解决 print(Max_dict) print(max(Max_dict, key=lambda k: Max_dict[k]))
你可以直接运行hello world。
@kidswong999 恩恩,运行了,这样没解决呀