Tx: -0.876480, Ty -0.875055, Tz -4.575914, Rx 180.150433, Ry 6.354074, Rz 358.055329 15.73255 Tx: -0.877966, Ty -0.875999, Tz -4.577111, Rx 180.367575, Ry 6.300081, Rz 357.986689 15.75533 Tx: -0.876948, Ty -0.874614, Tz -4.578795, Rx 179.817924, Ry 6.323055, Rz 358.099103 15.76182 Tx: -0.876134, Ty -0.869385, Tz -4.583478, Rx 178.142729, Ry 6.134091, Rz 358.320308 15.75456 Tx: -0.872988, Ty -0.871366, Tz -4.578303, Rx 178.983712, Ry 6.407222, Rz 358.148885 15.74803 Tx: -0.874213, Ty -0.876486, Tz -4.573614, Rx 180.403500, Ry 6.432562, Rz 357.971454 15.76577 Tx: -0.877095, Ty -0.876739, Tz -4.577353, Rx 180.513811, Ry 6.425136, Rz 357.979250 15.77061 Tx: -0.873796, Ty -0.881208, Tz -4.558734, Rx 182.609558, Ry 6.241501, Rz 357.637358 15.95007 Tx: -0.877497, Ty -0.874676, Tz -4.578373, Rx 179.805861, Ry 6.318311, Rz 358.043957 15.96806 Tx: -0.871220, Ty -0.874167, Tz -4.573812, Rx 179.940500, Ry 6.470804, Rz 357.929111 15.94388 Tx: -0.869778, Ty -0.877163, Tz -4.568369, Rx 181.178083, Ry 6.526481, Rz 357.621717 15.91187 Tx: -0.876682, Ty -0.873590, Tz -4.578239, Rx 179.537163, Ry 6.451271, Rz 358.104944 15.8917 Tx: -0.878050, Ty -0.873434, Tz -4.582887, Rx 179.837093, Ry 6.664645, Rz 358.078647 15.87302 Tx: -0.877403, Ty -0.873518, Tz -4.581779, Rx 179.661536, Ry 6.160123, Rz 358.075213 15.85566 Tx: -0.884307, Ty -0.880222, Tz -4.573338, Rx 181.696568, Ry 6.194533, Rz 357.899427 15.85624 Tx: -0.880510, Ty -0.878864, Tz -4.579540, Rx 181.230068, Ry 6.757317, Rz 357.888746 15.87302 Tx: -0.883886, Ty -0.881483, Tz -4.572171, Rx 182.334385, Ry 6.461762, Rz 357.741356 15.88089 Tx: -0.884561, Ty -0.886061, Tz -4.563071, Rx 183.927708, Ry 6.960098, Rz 357.506561 16.12903 Tx: -0.881572, Ty -0.887242, Tz -4.557488, Rx 184.484282, Ry 7.110193, Rz 357.402182 16.80672 Tx: -0.877879, Ty -0.881150, Tz -4.581673, Rx 181.341944, Ry 7.744792, Rz 358.126998 16.94915 Tx: -0.882642, Ty -0.886221, Tz -4.560514, Rx 183.909941, Ry 7.043563, Rz 357.458210 16.59751 Tx: -0.884153, Ty -0.885133, Tz -4.566542, Rx 183.425283, Ry 7.175475, Rz 357.485414 17.60563 Tx: -0.884453, Ty -0.879402, Tz -4.583936, Rx 180.911770, Ry 6.985199, Rz 357.808566 17.54386 Tx: -0.880853, Ty -0.883418, Tz -4.568888, Rx 182.969961, Ry 7.380502, Rz 357.617998 17.41294 Tx: -0.887471, Ty -0.882891, Tz -4.581702, Rx 181.851959, Ry 7.895341, Rz 357.690859 17.13062 Tx: -0.881699, Ty -0.883692, Tz -4.577967, Rx 182.180204, Ry 8.012682, Rz 357.668471 17.01323 Tx: -0.887495, Ty -0.884634, Tz -4.569012, Rx 182.966194, Ry 8.042303, Rz 357.729912 16.89189 Tx: -0.878844, Ty -0.879375, Tz -4.572147, Rx 181.462584, Ry 6.389551, Rz 357.814908 16.71733 Tx: -0.879639, Ty -0.876852, Tz -4.573839, Rx 180.736942, Ry 6.149974, Rz 357.932377 16.64355 Tx: -0.859951, Ty -0.880023, Tz -4.568498, Rx 181.950712, Ry 6.497900, Rz 357.704043 16.51842 Tx: -0.876829, Ty -0.882930, Tz -4.555437, Rx 183.461838, Ry 6.577980, Rz 357.517791 16.47059 Tx: -0.869249, Ty -0.876673, Tz -4.571870, Rx 180.786037, Ry 6.569314, Rz 357.682490 16.51982 Tx: -0.872511, Ty -0.879409, Tz -4.562423, Rx 181.984663, Ry 6.361035, Rz 357.649660 16.46091 Tx: -0.875411, Ty -0.876481, Tz -4.568241, Rx 180.968151, Ry 6.093893, Rz 357.897186 16.42512 Tx: -0.868971, Ty -0.872772, Tz -4.579243, Rx 179.335451, Ry 6.543279, Rz 357.876039 16.33394 Tx: -0.868229, Ty -0.873594, Tz -4.577209, Rx 179.625678, Ry 6.703719, Rz 357.871532 16.29503 Tx: -0.870917, Ty -0.875364, Tz -4.576222, Rx 180.201063, Ry 6.540730, Rz 357.832289 16.27339 Tx: -0.868719, Ty -0.873341, Tz -4.576048, Rx 179.709458, Ry 6.636948, Rz 357.818413 16.2917
请提供你的图片。# AprilTags Example # # This example shows the power of the OpenMV Cam to detect April Tags # on the OpenMV Cam M7. The M4 versions cannot detect April Tags. import sensor, image, time, math sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # we run out of memory if the resolution is much bigger... sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must turn this off to prevent image washout... sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must turn this off to prevent image washout... clock = time.clock() # Note! Unlike find_qrcodes the find_apriltags method does not need lens correction on the image to work. # What's the difference between tag families? Well, for example, the TAG16H5 family is effectively # a 4x4 square tag. So, this means it can be seen at a longer distance than a TAG36H11 tag which # is a 6x6 square tag. However, the lower H value (H5 versus H11) means that the false positve # rate for the 4x4 tag is much, much, much, higher than the 6x6 tag. So, unless you have a # reason to use the other tags families just use TAG36H11 which is the default family. # The AprilTags library outputs the pose information for tags. This is the x/y/z translation and # x/y/z rotation. The x/y/z rotation is in radians and can be converted to degrees. As for # translation the units are dimensionless and you must apply a conversion function. # f_x is the x focal length of the camera. It should be equal to the lens focal length in mm # divided by the x sensor size in mm times the number of pixels in the image. # The below values are for the OV7725 camera with a 2.8 mm lens. # f_y is the y focal length of the camera. It should be equal to the lens focal length in mm # divided by the y sensor size in mm times the number of pixels in the image. # The below values are for the OV7725 camera with a 2.8 mm lens. # c_x is the image x center position in pixels. # c_y is the image y center position in pixels. f_x = (2.8 / 3.984) * 160 # find_apriltags defaults to this if not set f_y = (2.8 / 2.952) * 120 # find_apriltags defaults to this if not set c_x = 160 * 0.5 # find_apriltags defaults to this if not set (the image.w * 0.5) c_y = 120 * 0.5 # find_apriltags defaults to this if not set (the image.h * 0.5) def degrees(radians): return (180 * radians) / math.pi while(True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() for tag in img.find_apriltags(fx=f_x, fy=f_y, cx=c_x, cy=c_y): # defaults to TAG36H11 img.draw_rectangle(tag.rect(), color = (255, 0, 0)) img.draw_cross(,, color = (0, 255, 0)) # Translation units are unknown. Rotation units are in degrees. img.draw_string(0,0,"Rx %f" % degrees(tag.x_rotation())) img.draw_string(0,10,"Ry %f" % degrees(tag.y_rotation())) img.draw_string(0,20,"Rz %f" % degrees(tag.z_rotation())) img.draw_string(0,90,"Rx %f" % tag.x_translation()) img.draw_string(0,100,"Ry %f" % tag.y_translation()) img.draw_string(0,110,"Rz %f" % tag.z_translation()) #print("Rx %f, Ry %f, Rz %f" % print_args) #print(clock.fps())