ya3l 发布的帖子
RE: Nameerror: local variable referenced before assignment?
import sensor, image, time, math import os, nncu import pyb from machine import UART uart = UART(1, baudrate=115200) # 初始化串口 波特率设置为115200 TX是B12 RX是B13 sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) sensor.set_brightness(2000) # 设置图像亮度 越大越亮 sensor.skip_frames(time = 200) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) clock = time.clock() m = 0 flag_tag = 0 flag_OK = 0 flag_num = 0 flag_ani = 0 flag_shoot = 0 animal_fruit = 0 center_x = 0 center_y = 0 num = 0 cnt = 0 get = b'\x05' flag_5 = 0 def find_max(rects): max_size = 0 min_w = 20 max_w = 40 min_h = 20 max_h = 40 abs_x = 5 for rect in rects: if( rect.h() > 5 and rect.w() > min_w): # and rect.w() < max_w and rect.h() > min_h and rect.h() < max_h and abs(rect.w()-rect.h()) < abs_x ): max_rect = rect max_size = rect.magnitude() return max_rect def family_name(tag): if(tag.family() == image.TAG16H5): return "TAG16H5" if(tag.family() == image.TAG25H7): return "TAG25H7" if(tag.family() == image.TAG25H9): return "TAG25H9" if(tag.family() == image.TAG36H10): return "TAG36H10" if(tag.family() == image.TAG36H11): return "TAG36H11" if(tag.family() == image.ARTOOLKIT): return "ARTOOLKIT" while(True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() #get = uart.read(1) img.draw_rectangle(((15,20,126,70)), color = (0, 0, 255)) if(get==b'\x01'): rects = img.find_rects(roi=(10,30,140,80),threshold = 20000) #roi=(30,50,100,) for tag in img.find_apriltags(families=image.TAG25H9): # 指定apriltag类型为TAG25H9 #img.draw_rectangle(tag.rect(), color = (255, 0, 0))# 找到apriltag后绘制矩形框,将apriltag框起来 #img.draw_cross(tag.cx(), tag.cy(), color = (0, 255, 0))# 在apriltag中间绘制十字 #print_args = (family_name(tag), tag.id(), (180 * tag.rotation()) / math.pi) # 打印apriltag的类型、ID、旋转角度 #print("Tag Family %s, Tag ID %d, rotation %f (degrees)" % print_args) flag_tag = 1 elif(get == b'\x04'): flag_shoot = 0 flag_OK = 0 elif(get == b'\x05'): rects = img.find_rects(roi=(15,30,126,70),threshold = 2000) if(rects): max_rect = find_max(rects) if(max_rect.w() >25 and ((max_rect.w()-max_rect.h() < 5 and max_rect.w()-max_rect.h() > 0) or (max_rect.w()-max_rect.h() > -5 and max_rect.w()-max_rect.h() < 0)) and max_rect.h() > 20 and max_rect.h() < 40): img.draw_rectangle(max_rect.rect(), color = (255, 0, 0)) # 绘制矩形外框,便于在IDE上查看识别到的矩形位置 flag_ani = 1 animal_fruit = 'apple' if(flag_tag == 1 and (tag.id() ==0 or tag.id() ==2 or tag.id() ==4 or tag.id() ==6 or tag.id() ==8)): uart.write("M") uart.writechar(2) elif(flag_tag == 1 and (tag.id() == 1 or tag.id() == 3 or tag.id() == 5 or tag.id() == 7 or tag.id() == 9)): uart.write("M") uart.writechar(1) elif(flag_num == 1 and (num == '1' or num == '3' or num == '5' or num == '7' or num == '9')): uart.write("M") uart.writechar(3) #print(num) elif(flag_num == 1 and (num == '2' or num == '4' or num == '6' or num == '8' or num == '0')): uart.write("M") uart.writechar(4) #print(num) elif(flag_ani == 1 and (animal_fruit == 'cat' or animal_fruit == 'dog' or animal_fruit == 'horse' or animal_fruit == 'pig' or animal_fruit == 'castle')): uart.write("M") uart.writechar(5) #print("是个动物") elif(flag_ani == 1 and (animal_fruit == 'apple' or animal_fruit == 'banana' or animal_fruit == 'orange' or animal_fruit == 'durian' or animal_fruit == 'grape')): if(flag_5 == 0): uart.write("M") uart.writechar(6) # print("是个水果") flag_shoot = 1 else : if(flag_OK == 0): #print("没找到了") uart.write("M") uart.writechar(0) if(flag_shoot == 1): uart.write("X") uart.writechar((int)(center_x)) #uart.write("Y") #uart.writechar((int)(center_y)) #print("正在打靶子") #print(center_x) #print(center_y) if((center_x - 80 < 5 and center_x -80>0) or (center_x - 80 > -5 and center_x - 80 <0)): flag_OK = 1 #print("打靶完成") #uart.write("M") #uart.writechar(7) m = 0 flag_tag = 0 flag_num = 0 flag_ani = 0 flag_5 = 0 num = 0 #print( "横坐标") #print(center_x) #print("纵坐标") #print(clock.fps())
RE: Nameerror: local variable referenced before assignment?
RE: Nameerror: local variable referenced before assignment?
import sensor, image, time, math import os, nncu import pyb from machine import UART uart = UART(1, baudrate=115200) # 初始化串口 波特率设置为115200 TX是B12 RX是B13 sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) sensor.set_brightness(2000) # 设置图像亮度 越大越亮 sensor.skip_frames(time = 200) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) clock = time.clock() flag_tag = 0 flag_OK = 0 flag_num = 0 flag_ani = 0 flag_shoot = 0 animal_fruit = 0 center_x = 0 center_y = 0 num = 0 cnt = 0 get = b'\x03' net_path = "model1.nncu" # 定义模型的路径 labels = [line.rstrip() for line in open("/sd/labels_number.txt")] # 加载标签 net = nncu.load(net_path, load_to_fb=True) # 加载模型 net_path2 = "78animal_fruit.nncu" # _qm_model_18_0.7524_4033 # 定义模型的路径 labels2 = [line.rstrip() for line in open("/sd/labels_animal_fruits.txt")] # 加载标签 net2 = nncu.load(net_path2, load_to_fb=True) def family_name(tag): if(tag.family() == image.TAG16H5): return "TAG16H5" if(tag.family() == image.TAG25H7): return "TAG25H7" if(tag.family() == image.TAG25H9): return "TAG25H9" if(tag.family() == image.TAG36H10): return "TAG36H10" if(tag.family() == image.TAG36H11): return "TAG36H11" if(tag.family() == image.ARTOOLKIT): return "ARTOOLKIT" def find_max_ani(rects): max_size = 0 min_w = 20 max_w = 40 min_h = 20 max_h = 40 abs_x = 5 for rect in rects: if( rect.h() > 5 ): #and rect.w() > min_w and rect.w() < max_w and rect.h() > min_h and rect.h() < max_h and abs(rect.w()-rect.h()) < abs_x ): max_rect = rect max_size = rect.magnitude() return max_rect def find_max_num(rects): max_size = 0 min_w = 0 max_w = 0 min_h = 0 max_h = 0 abs_x = 0 for rect in rects: if (rect.magnitude() > max_size and rect.w() > min_w and rect.w() < max_w and rect.h() > min_h and rect.h() < max_h and abs(rect.w()-rect.h()) < abs_x ): max_rect = rect max_size = rect.magnitude() return max_rect while(True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() #get = uart.read(1) img.draw_rectangle(((15,20,126,70)), color = (0, 0, 255)) if(get==b'\x01'): rects = img.find_rects(roi=(10,30,140,80),threshold = 20000) #roi=(30,50,100,) for tag in img.find_apriltags(families=image.TAG25H9): # 指定apriltag类型为TAG25H9 img.draw_rectangle(tag.rect(), color = (255, 0, 0))# 找到apriltag后绘制矩形框,将apriltag框起来 img.draw_cross(tag.cx(), tag.cy(), color = (0, 255, 0))# 在apriltag中间绘制十字 print_args = (family_name(tag), tag.id(), (180 * tag.rotation()) / math.pi) # 打印apriltag的类型、ID、旋转角度 print("Tag Family %s, Tag ID %d, rotation %f (degrees)" % print_args) flag_tag = 1 elif(get==b'\x02'): rects = img.find_rects(roi=(35,30,100,60),threshold = 2000) #roi=(20,30,130,80) threshold = 5000 if(rects): max_rect = find_max_num(rects) if( max_rect.w() >10 and max_rect.w() < 50 and max_rect.h() < 73 and ((max_rect.w()-max_rect.h() < 6 and max_rect.w()-max_rect.h() > 0) or (max_rect.w()-max_rect.h() > -6 and max_rect.w()-max_rect.h() < 0)) ): img.draw_rectangle(max_rect.rect(), color = (255, 0, 0)) # 绘制矩形外框,便于在IDE上查看识别到的矩形位置 img1 = img.copy(max_rect.rect()) # 拷贝矩形框内的图像 for obj in nncu.classify(net , img1, min_scale=1.0, scale_mul=0.5, x_overlap=0.0, y_overlap=0.0): #print("**********\nTop 1 Detections at [x=%d,y=%d,w=%d,h=%d]" % obj.rect()) sorted_list = sorted(zip(labels, obj.output()), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True) # 打印准确率最高的结果 for i in range(1): #print("%s = %f" % (sorted_list[i][0], sorted_list[i][1])) flag_num = 1 num = sorted_list[i][0] elif(get == b'\x03'): rects = img.find_rects(roi=(15,20,126,70),threshold = 2000) if(rects): max_rect = find_max_ani(rects) img.draw_rectangle(max_rect.rect(), color = (255, 0, 0)) # 绘制矩形外框,便于在IDE上查看识别到的矩形位置 img2 = img.copy(max_rect.rect()) # 拷贝矩形框内的图像 for obj in nncu.classify(net2 , img2, min_scale=1.0, scale_mul=0.5, x_overlap=0.0, y_overlap=0.0): #print("**********\nTop 1 Detections at [x=%d,y=%d,w=%d,h=%d]" % obj.rect()) sorted_list = sorted(zip(labels2, obj.output()), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True) # 打印准确率最高的结果 for i in range(1): #print("%s = %f" % (sorted_list[i][0], sorted_list[i][1])) flag_ani = 1 animal_fruit = sorted_list[i][0] elif(get == b'\x04'): flag_shoot = 0 flag_OK = 0 elif(get == b'\x05'): rects = img.find_rects(roi=(15,30,126,70),threshold = 2000) if(rects): max_rect = find_max(rects) if(max_rect.w() >25 and ((max_rect.w()-max_rect.h() < 5 and max_rect.w()-max_rect.h() > 0) or (max_rect.w()-max_rect.h() > -5 and max_rect.w()-max_rect.h() < 0)) and max_rect.h() > 20 and max_rect.h() < 40): img.draw_rectangle(max_rect.rect(), color = (255, 0, 0)) # 绘制矩形外框,便于在IDE上查看识别到的矩形位置 flag_ani = 1 animal_fruit = 'apple' if(flag_tag == 1 and (tag.id() ==0 or tag.id() ==2 or tag.id() ==4 or tag.id() ==6 or tag.id() ==8)): uart.write("M") uart.writechar(2) elif(flag_tag == 1 and (tag.id() == 1 or tag.id() == 3 or tag.id() == 5 or tag.id() == 7 or tag.id() == 9)): uart.write("M") uart.writechar(1) elif(flag_num == 1 and (num == '1' or num == '3' or num == '5' or num == '7' or num == '9')): center_x = max_rect.x() + max_rect.w()/2 center_y = max_rect.y() + max_rect.h()/2 uart.write("M") uart.writechar(3) uart.write("W") uart.writechar((int)(center_x)) uart.write("H") uart.writechar((int)(center_x)) print(num) elif(flag_num == 1 and (num == '2' or num == '4' or num == '6' or num == '8' or num == '0')): uart.write("M") uart.writechar(4) print(num) elif(flag_ani == 1 and (animal_fruit == 'cat' or animal_fruit == 'dog' or animal_fruit == 'horse' or animal_fruit == 'pig' or animal_fruit == 'castle')): uart.write("M") uart.writechar(5) print("是个动物") elif(flag_ani == 1 and flag_OK == 0 and (animal_fruit == 'apple' or animal_fruit == 'banana' or animal_fruit == 'orange' or animal_fruit == 'durian' or animal_fruit == 'grape')): uart.write("M") uart.writechar(6) print("是个水果") flag_shoot = 1 else : if(flag_OK == 0): print("没找到了") uart.write("M") uart.writechar(0) if(flag_shoot == 1): center_x = max_rect.x() + max_rect.w()/2 center_y = max_rect.y() + max_rect.h()/2 uart.write("X") uart.writechar((int)(center_x)) #uart.write("Y") #uart.writechar((int)(center_y)) #print("正在打靶子") #print(center_x) #print(center_y) if((center_x - 80 < 5 and center_x -80>0) or (center_x - 80 > -5 and center_x - 80 <0)): flag_OK = 1 #print("打靶完成") #uart.write("M") #uart.writechar(7) flag_tag = 0 flag_num = 0 flag_ani = 0 num = 0 #print( "横坐标") #print(center_x) #print("纵坐标") #print(clock.fps())