Gloria 发布的帖子
RE: 关于模板匹配的参数设置问题
RE: 为什么使用找圆程序会出现内存问题
import sensor, image, time sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must be turned off for color tracking sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must be turned off for color tracking clock = time.clock() ROI=(240,160,50,50) threshold_100 = (44, 52, 33, 58, -2, 19) while(True): img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image. for blob_100 in img.find_blobs([threshold_100], roi = ROI, pixels_threshold = 200, area_threshold = 200, merge = True): img.draw_rectangle(blob_100.rect()) img.draw_cross(blob_100.cx(), blob_100.cy()) img.draw_string(blob_100.cx(),blob_100.cy(),"100yuan",color = 0) for c in img.find_circles(roi = ROI, threshold = 2000, x_margin = 10, y_margin = 10, r_margin = 10): img.draw_circle(c.x(), c.y(), c.r(), color = (255, 0, 0)) print(c) img.draw_rectangle(ROI)```
RE: 为什么使用找圆程序会出现内存问题
import sensor, image, time threshold_100 = (44, 52, 33, 58, -2, 19) threshold_1 = (39, 59, -13, -2, 7, 23) threshold_5 = (23, 52, 1, 30, -16, 5) threshold_10 = (44, 78, -7, 9, 11, 4) threshold_20 = (31, 49, 9, 30, 3, 13) threshold_50 = (40, 67, -26, -6, -3, 15) sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must be turned off for color tracking sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must be turned off for color tracking clock = time.clock() # Only blobs that with more pixels than "pixel_threshold" and more area than "area_threshold" are # returned by "find_blobs" below. Change "pixels_threshold" and "area_threshold" if you change the # camera resolution. "merge=True" merges all overlapping blobs in the image. while(1): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot().lens_corr(1.8) for blob_100 in img.find_blobs([threshold_100], pixels_threshold = 200, area_threshold = 200, merge = True): img.draw_rectangle(blob_100.rect()) img.draw_cross(blob_100.cx(), blob_100.cy()) img.draw_string(blob_100.cx(),blob_100.cy(),"100yuan",color = 0) for blob_20 in img.find_blobs([threshold_20], pixels_theshold = 200, area_threshold = 200, merge = True): img.draw_rectangle(blob_20.rect(),color = (255,0,0)) img.draw_cross(blob_20.cx(), blob_20.cy()) img.draw_string(blob_20.cx(),blob_20.cy(),"20yuan",color = (255,0,0)) for blob_10 in img.find_blobs([threshold_10], pixels_theshold = 200, area_threshold = 200, merge = True): img.draw_rectangle(blob_10.rect(),color = (0,255,0)) img.draw_cross(blob_10.cx(), blob_10.cy()) img.draw_string(blob_10.cx(),blob_10.cy(),"10yuan",color = (0,255,0)) for blob_5 in img.find_blobs([threshold_5], pixels_theshold = 200, area_threshold = 200, merge = True): img.draw_rectangle(blob_5.rect(),color = (0,0,255)) img.draw_cross(blob_5.cx(), blob_5.cy()) img.draw_string(blob_5.cx(),blob_5.cy(),"5yuan",color = (0,0,255)) for blob_1 in img.find_blobs([threshold_1], pixels_theshold = 200, area_threshold = 200, merge = True): img.draw_rectangle(blob_1.rect(),color = 0) img.draw_cross(blob_1.cx(), blob_1.cy()) img.draw_string(blob_1.cx(),blob_1.cy(),"1yuan",color = 255) for blob_50 in img.find_blobs([threshold_50], pixels_theshold = 200, area_threshold = 200, merge = True): img.draw_rectangle(blob_50.rect(),color = (0,100,100)) img.draw_cross(blob_50.cx(), blob_50.cy()) img.draw_string(blob_50.cx(),blob_50.cy(),"50yuan",color = (0,100,255)) for c in img.find_circles(threshold = 2000, x_margin = 10, y_margin = 10, r_margin = 10): img.draw_circle(c.x(), c.y(), c.r(), color = (255, 0, 0)) # print(c) # print(clock.fps()) print("FPS %f" % clock.fps())