import sensor, image, time,lcd,math,pyb import json import gc from image import SEARCH_EX, SEARCH_DS import lcd from pyb import UART from pyb import Servo from pyb import Pin from pyb import LED from fenghuang import QQQ from fenghong import ppp led = LED(4) a=0 c=0 q=0 led.toggle() blue_threshold = (18, 38, 9, 58, -90, -33) red_threshold = [(29, 53, 34, 74, 15, 55),(75, 50, 10, 68, 12, 67)] yellow_threshold = [(54, 67, -13, 4, 49, 71),(72, 95, -17, 9, 54, 82),(51, 77, -7, 24, 11, 55)] fangkuai_thresholds =[(13, 38, 75, 61, 17, 52),(19, 57, 19, 87, 16, 58)] thresholds = [(59, 63, 56, 64, 24, 41),(11, 33, -8, 58, 16, 44), (35, 53, 49, 74, 26, 63),(23, 50, 44, 79, 14, 63), (22, 53, 31, 74, 16, 51),(40, 56, 41, 84, 23, 65), (49, 65, 17, 75, 21, 64),(55, 76, 27, 55, 10, 64), (56, 71, 69, 52, 18, 49),(25, 70, 86, 19, -5, 65), (23, 84, 86, 19, -5, 65)] erweima_threshold =[(90, 100, -28, 24, 35, -20) ] sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) sensor.skip_frames(20) sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) uart = UART(3, 115200) clock = time.clock() sensor.set_auto_exposure(True, exposure_us=5000) templates3 = ["/gaochangfangti1.pgm","/gaozhengfangti1.pgm", "/dichangfangti2.pgm","/dizhengfangti2.pgm", "/zhongzhengfangti1.pgm","/zhongchangfangti1.pgm"] templates4 = ["/gaoyuanhuan1.pgm","/diyuanhuan2.pgm","/zhongyuanhuan1.pgm"] s1=Servo(1) s2=Servo(2) s3=Servo(3) s1.angle(15) s2.angle(28) s3.angle(-15) while(True): clock.tick() lcd.display(sensor.snapshot()) a=uart.readchar() #print(a) c=2 led = LED(1) led = LED(4) led.off() if a==52 and c!=2: img = sensor.snapshot() sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) led = LED(1) led.off() s2.angle(60) sensor.set_windowing((70,1,80,170)) led = LED(4) led.off() blobs0 = img.find_blobs([blue_threshold],pixels_threshold=180) blobs3 = img.find_blobs(red_threshold,pixels_threshold=80) if blobs0 : s3.angle(-75) if blobs3 : led.off() s3.angle(-75) pyb.delay(200) s3.angle(40) pyb.delay(200) s3.angle(-75) pyb.delay(200) c=c+1 if a==50 and c!=2: s1=Servo(1) s2=Servo(2) s3=Servo(3) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.set_windowing((165,20,148,100)) led = LED(4) led.on() img = sensor.snapshot() blobs0 = img.find_blobs([blue_threshold],pixels_threshold=100) blobs3 = img.find_blobs(red_threshold,pixels_threshold=60) blobs2 = img.find_blobs(yellow_threshold,pixels_threshold=40) if blobs0 : s3.angle(-45) elif blobs2 : s3.angle(-45) s2.angle(-5) pyb.delay(200) s3.angle(40) pyb.delay(200) s3.angle(-45) pyb.delay(200) elif blobs3: s3.angle(-45) s2.angle(60) pyb.delay(200) s3.angle(40) pyb.delay(200) s3.angle(-45) pyb.delay(200) if c==2 : sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) img = sensor.snapshot() uart.write('0') #sensor.set_windowing((160,120)) for code in img.find_qrcodes(): img.draw_rectangle(code.rect(), color = (255, 0, 0)) q=code.payload() if code.payload() =='R' : uart.write('1') print(q) pyb.delay(1800) ppp() pyb.delay(4500) QQQ() else : uart.write('0') for blob in img.find_blobs(thresholds, pixels_threshold=250, area_threshold=200): img = img.to_grayscale() for t in templates3:#高方块 template = image.Image(t) r = img.find_template(template, 0.85, step=4, search=SEARCH_EX) if r and blob.cxf()<90 : uart.write('1') img.draw_rectangle(r, color=0) print(blob.code(), t,1) pyb.delay(1800) ppp() pyb.delay(4500) QQQ() else : uart.write('0') for t in templates4:#高原换 template = image.Image(t) r = img.find_template(template, 0.60, step=4, search=SEARCH_EX) if r and blob.cxf()<70 : uart.write('2') img.draw_rectangle(r, color=0) print(blob.code(), t,2) pyb.delay(1800) ppp() pyb.delay(4500) QQQ() else : uart.write('0')
@tvfa 把代码精简,只留要测试的部分