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  • 舵机拓展版接上电连上这两个电机,使用示例程序测试只有中间的电机正常动红色圈的那边电机没反应,然后电机对调重复测试结果相同

    • 0_1g

    • 用的什么代码。发一下具体的代码文本。

    • # Motor Shield PWM Example
      # This example shows off how to control the motor shield on your
      # OpenMV Cam. The motor shield is controlled by using the PYB module
      # which lets you do PWM to control the speed and set digital I/O pin
      # states. The motor shield needs 6 I/O pins for both motors.
      import pyb
      # These pins control our direction while the other PWN pins
      # below control the speed. The direction for each motor
      # is set by an H-Bridge where A0/1 are the two sides of
      # one H-Bridge driver. B0/1 are another H-Bridge.
      pinADir0 = pyb.Pin('P3', pyb.Pin.OUT_PP, pyb.Pin.PULL_NONE)
      pinADir1 = pyb.Pin('P2', pyb.Pin.OUT_PP, pyb.Pin.PULL_NONE)
      pinBDir0 = pyb.Pin('P1', pyb.Pin.OUT_PP, pyb.Pin.PULL_NONE)
      pinBDir1 = pyb.Pin('P0', pyb.Pin.OUT_PP, pyb.Pin.PULL_NONE)
      # Dir0/1 must be not equal to each other for forward or backwards
      # operation. If they are equal then that's a brake operation.
      # If they are not equal then the motor will spin one way other the
      # other depending on it's hookup and the value of dir 0.
      # Dir0/1 must be not equal to each other for forward or backwards
      # operation. If they are equal then that's a brake operation.
      # If they are not equal then the motor will spin one way other the
      # other depending on it's hookup and the value of dir 0.
      # Create a timer object running at 1KHz which which will power the
      # PWM output on our OpenMV Cam. Just needs to be created once.
      tim = pyb.Timer(4, freq=1000)
      # Use the timer object to create two PWM outputs on the OpenMV Cam.
      # These timers control the speed of the motors. You will be setting
      # the PWM percentage of these timers repeatedly in your loop.
      chA = tim.channel(1, pyb.Timer.PWM, pin=pyb.Pin("P7"))
      chB = tim.channel(2, pyb.Timer.PWM, pin=pyb.Pin("P8"))
      while (True):
          for i in range(100):
          for i in range(100):

    • @kidswong999

      # Motor Shield PWM Example
      # This example shows off how to control the motor shield on your
      # OpenMV Cam. The motor shield is controlled by using the PYB module
      # which lets you do PWM to control the speed and set digital I/O pin
      # states. The motor shield needs 6 I/O pins for both motors.
      import pyb
      # These pins control our direction while the other PWN pins
      # below control the speed. The direction for each motor
      # is set by an H-Bridge where A0/1 are the two sides of
      # one H-Bridge driver. B0/1 are another H-Bridge.
      pinADir0 = pyb.Pin('P3', pyb.Pin.OUT_PP, pyb.Pin.PULL_NONE)
      pinADir1 = pyb.Pin('P2', pyb.Pin.OUT_PP, pyb.Pin.PULL_NONE)
      pinBDir0 = pyb.Pin('P1', pyb.Pin.OUT_PP, pyb.Pin.PULL_NONE)
      pinBDir1 = pyb.Pin('P0', pyb.Pin.OUT_PP, pyb.Pin.PULL_NONE)
      # Dir0/1 must be not equal to each other for forward or backwards
      # operation. If they are equal then that's a brake operation.
      # If they are not equal then the motor will spin one way other the
      # other depending on it's hookup and the value of dir 0.
      # Dir0/1 must be not equal to each other for forward or backwards
      # operation. If they are equal then that's a brake operation.
      # If they are not equal then the motor will spin one way other the
      # other depending on it's hookup and the value of dir 0.
      # Create a timer object running at 1KHz which which will power the
      # PWM output on our OpenMV Cam. Just needs to be created once.
      tim = pyb.Timer(4, freq=1000)
      # Use the timer object to create two PWM outputs on the OpenMV Cam.
      # These timers control the speed of the motors. You will be setting
      # the PWM percentage of these timers repeatedly in your loop.
      chA = tim.channel(1, pyb.Timer.PWM, pin=pyb.Pin("P7"))
      chB = tim.channel(2, pyb.Timer.PWM, pin=pyb.Pin("P8"))
      while (True):
          for i in range(100):
          for i in range(100):

    • 估计是你OpenMV焊接的不对,联系售后检查维修。