• 免费好用的星瞳AI云服务上线!简单标注,云端训练,支持OpenMV H7和OpenMV H7 Plus。可以替代edge impulse。 https://forum.singtown.com/topic/9519
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    • 0_1627642685723_微信图片_20210730185559.png

      # MAVLink OpticalFlow Script.
      # This script sends out OpticalFlow detections using the MAVLink protocol to
      # an LIGHT/PixHawk UAV controller for position control using your OpenMV Cam.
      # P4 = TXD 115200,8,N,1
      import sensor, image, time, pyb, struct, math
      sensor.reset() # Initialize the camera sensor.
      sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) # or sensor.GRAYSCALE
      sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQQQVGA) # or B40x30 or B64x64
      clock = time.clock() # Tracks FPS.
      old = sensor.snapshot()
      uart = pyb.UART(3, 115200, timeout_char = 1000)
      def send_optical_flow_packet(x, y, c):
          temp = struct.pack("<bbiii",
                             int(x * 100000 ), # up sample by 4
                             int(y * 100000 ), # up sample by 4
                             int(c * 100000))
          clock.tick() # 获取时间
          img = sensor.snapshot() # 获取一帧图像
          [delta_x, delta_y, response] = old.find_displacement(img) #获取前面一张图像与刚捕获的图像之间的偏移
          old = img.copy()
          #print("%0.6fX   %0.6fY   %0.2fC   %0.2fFPS" % (delta_x, delta_y, response, clock.fps()))
          if (not (math.isnan(delta_x) or math.isnan(delta_y) or math.isnan(response))):
              send_optical_flow_packet(delta_x, delta_y, response)

    • https://book.openmv.cc/example/22-Optical-Flow/differential-translation.html
