Blob Detection Example
This example shows off how to use the find_blobs function to find color
blobs in the image. This example in particular looks for dark green objects.
import sensor, image, time
import car
from pid import PIDYou may need to tweak the above settings for tracking green things...
Select an area in the Framebuffer to copy the color settings.
sensor.reset() # Initialize the camera sensor.
sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # use RGB565.
sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # use QQVGA for speed.
sensor.skip_frames(10) # Let new settings take affect.
sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # turn this off.
clock = time.clock() # Tracks FPS.For color tracking to work really well you should ideally be in a very, very,
very, controlled enviroment where the lighting is constant...
green_threshold = (76, 96, -110, -30, 8, 66)
size_threshold = 2000
x_pid = PID(p=3, i=1, imax=100)
h_pid = PID(p=0.22, i=0.1, imax=50)def find_max(blobs):
for blob in blobs:
if blob[2]*blob[3] > max_size:
max_size = blob[2]*blob[3]
return max_blobwhile(True):
clock.tick() # Track elapsed milliseconds between snapshots().
img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image.blobs = img.find_blobs([green_threshold]) if blobs: max_blob = find_max(blobs) x_error = max_blob[5]-img.width()/2 h_error = max_blob[2]*max_blob[3]-size_threshold print("x error: ", x_error) ''' for b in blobs: # Draw a rect around the blob. img.draw_rectangle(b[0:4]) # rect img.draw_cross(b[5], b[6]) # cx, cy ''' img.draw_rectangle(max_blob[0:4]) # rect img.draw_cross(max_blob[5], max_blob[6]) # cx, cy x_output=x_pid.get_pid(x_error,1) h_output=h_pid.get_pid(h_error,1) print("h_output",h_output) car.run(-h_output-x_output,-h_output+x_output) else: car.run(10,-10)
size_threshold 改小一些。