import sensor,time,pyb,math,time,utime,image from pyb import Pin, Timer, UART clock = time.clock() # Tracks FPS. LINE_WIDTH = 8 THRESHOLD = 40 #灞忓箷灏哄 WIDTH = 160 HEIGHT = 120 ROI = (int((WIDTH-HEIGHT)/2),0,HEIGHT,HEIGHT) XO = int((WIDTH-HEIGHT)/2) CENTRAL_AREA = 20 #楂樺害鏁版嵁 highcnt = 0.0 high = 0 #xy骞抽潰璇樊鏁版嵁 err_x = 0 err_y = 0 #瓒呭0娉㈠洖璋冨鐞嗗嚱鏁? def Ultrasound(line): if(Echo.value()==1): tim_count.init(prescaler=1799, period=1176)#鎵撳紑瀹氭椂鍣? if(Echo.value()==0): global highcnt tim_count.deinit() highcnt = tim_count.counter()#璁℃暟 uart.writechar(0x55) uart.writechar(0xAA) uart.writechar(0x10) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(high>>8) uart.writechar(high) uart.writechar(err_x>>8) uart.writechar(err_x) uart.writechar(err_y>>8) uart.writechar(err_y) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0xAA) print(high) timpwm = Timer(4, freq=60) #瓒呭0娉?0璧吂鍙戝皠棰戠巼 ch1 = timpwm.channel(1, Timer.PWM, pin=Pin("P7"), pulse_width=80) #100us鍙戝皠瑙? #瓒呭0娉㈡帴鏀剁鍙i厤缃? tim_count = pyb.Timer(1) #瀹氭椂鍣ㄨ鏁? extint = pyb.ExtInt('P0', pyb.ExtInt.IRQ_RISING_FALLING, pyb.Pin.PULL_DOWN,Ultrasound)#寮€鍚閮ㄤ腑鏂? Echo = Pin('P0', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN) #涓插彛涓夐厤缃? uart = UART(3, 115200)#115200 uart.init(115200, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1) sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE)#璁剧疆鐏板害淇℃伅 sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA)#璁剧疆鍥惧儚澶у皬 #sensor.skip_frames(20)#鐩告満鑷鍑犲紶鍥剧墖 sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False)#鍏抽棴鐧藉钩琛? while(True): high = int(1.7*highcnt) line_x1 = [0,0,0,0] line_x2 = [0,0,0,0] line_y1 = [0,0,0,0] line_y2 = [0,0,0,0] line_H = [0,0,0,0] line_V = [0,0,0,0] line_temp = [0,0,0,0] line_num = 0 Flag = None weight = 0 clock.tick() # Track elapsed milliseconds between snapshots(). img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image. #print(img.height()) for i in range(int(HEIGHT/3)): for j in range(int(HEIGHT/3)): if img.get_pixel(i*3+XO,j*3) < 127 : weight += 1 #print(img.get_pixel(i,j)) #print(weight) img.find_edges(image.EDGE_CANNY, threshold=(50, 80)) # Find edges lines = img.find_lines(roi = ROI,threshold = THRESHOLD) # Find lines. # lines = img.find_lines(threshold = THRESHOLD) img.draw_rectangle(ROI) #for l in lines: img.draw_line(l, color=(127)) # Draw lines #print(lines) if len(lines) != 0: #print(len(lines),lines) for i in range(len(lines)): #print(i) if lines[i][0] == 0: if line_x1 == [0,0,0,0]: line_x1 = list(lines[i]) elif abs(line_x1[1]-lines[i][1]) < LINE_WIDTH: for j in range(4): line_x1[j] = (i * line_x1[j] + lines[i][j])/(i+1) else: if line_x2 == [0,0,0,0]: line_x2 = list(lines[i]) elif abs(line_x2[3]-lines[i][3]) < LINE_WIDTH: for j in range(4): line_x2[j] = (i * line_x2[j] + lines[i][j])/(i+1) elif lines[i][1] == 0: if line_y1 == [0,0,0,0]: line_y1 = list(lines[i]) elif abs(line_y1[0]-lines[i][0]) < LINE_WIDTH: for j in range(4): line_y1[j] = (i * line_y1[j] + lines[i][j])/(i+1) else: if line_y2 == [0,0,0,0]: line_y2 = list(lines[i]) elif abs(line_y2[2]-lines[i][2]) < LINE_WIDTH: for j in range(4): line_y2[j] = (i * line_y2[j] + lines[i][j])/(i+1) line_all = [line_x1,line_y1,line_x2,line_y2] for k in range(len(line_all)): if line_all[k] == [0,0,0,0]: line_num += 1 #print(line_x1) if (line_x1 != [0,0,0,0]) and (line_x2 != [0,0,0,0]) : if line_x1[1] > line_x2[1]: line_temp = line_x1 line_x1 = line_x2 line_x2 = line_temp elif (line_x1 == [0,0,0,0]) and (line_x2 == [0,0,0,0]): line_x1 = [0,HEIGHT/2,(WIDTH-XO),HEIGHT/2] line_x2 = line_x1 elif line_x1 == [0,0,0,0]: line_x1 = line_x2 else : line_x2 = line_x1 if (line_y1 != [0,0,0,0]) and (line_y2 != [0,0,0,0]) : if line_y1[0] > line_y2[0]: line_temp = line_y1 line_y1 = line_y2 line_y2 = line_temp elif (line_y1 == [0,0,0,0]) and (line_y2 == [0,0,0,0]): line_y1 = [(XO+HEIGHT/2),0,(XO+HEIGHT/2),HEIGHT] line_y2 = line_y1 elif line_y1 == [0,0,0,0]: line_y1 = line_y2 else : line_y2 = line_y1 line_all = [line_x1,line_y1,line_x2,line_y2] print(line_num) print(line_all) print(weight) for i in range(4): line_H[i] = int((line_all[0][i] + line_all[2][i])/2) for i in range(4): line_V[i] = int((line_all[1][i] + line_all[3][i])/2) img.draw_line(line_H,127) img.draw_line(line_V,127) print(line_H) print(line_V) if line_V[2] != line_V[0]: central_x = -(line_V[0]*HEIGHT/(line_V[2]-line_V[0])+line_H[1])/((line_H[3]-line_H[1])/(WIDTH-XO)-HEIGHT/(line_V[2]-line_V[0])) else: central_x =line_V[0] central_y = (line_H[3]-line_H[1])/(WIDTH-XO)*central_x+line_H[1] #central position img.draw_cross(int(central_x),int(central_y),color=191) print(central_x) print(central_y) err_x = central_x - WIDTH/2 err_y = central_y - HEIGHT/2 #FLAG if (abs((central_y - (HEIGHT/2)) < CENTRAL_AREA) and (abs(central_x - (WIDTH/2)) < CENTRAL_AREA)): if line_num >= 3 : if weight > 400 : Flag = 'T' else: Flag = 'L' else : Flag = 'I' else: Flag = 'D' print(Flag)
high = int(1.7*highcnt)
将图像经过处理后得到的err_x = central_x - WIDTH/2 err_y = central_y - HEIGHT/2
# gray_blob - By: jinyuying - 鍛ㄤ簲 浜旀湀 12 2017 import sensor,time,pyb,math,time,utime from pyb import Pin, Timer, LED, UART #榛戣壊鐐归槇鍊? #black_threshold = [(0, 64)] black_threshold = [(0, 84)] #楂樺害鏁版嵁 highcnt = 0.0 high = 0 #xy骞抽潰璇樊鏁版嵁 err_x = 0 err_y = 0 #瓒呭0娉㈠洖璋冨鐞嗗嚱鏁? def Ultrasound(line): if(Echo.value()==1): tim_count.init(prescaler=1799, period=1176)#鎵撳紑瀹氭椂鍣? if(Echo.value()==0): global highcnt tim_count.deinit() highcnt = tim_count.counter()#璁℃暟 uart.writechar(0x55) uart.writechar(0xAA) uart.writechar(0x10) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(high>>8) uart.writechar(high) uart.writechar(err_x>>8) uart.writechar(err_x) uart.writechar(err_y>>8) uart.writechar(err_y) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0xAA) print(high) ##閫夋嫨鎸夐敭鍥炶皟澶勭悊鍑芥暟 #def selection(IRQ_RISING): #if(selectpin.value()==1) : #pyb.delay(100) #if(selectpin.value()==1): ##纭鎸夐敭鍥炶皟澶勭悊鍑芥暟 #def enter(IRQ_RISING): #if(enterpin.value()==1) : #pyb.delay(100) #if(enterpin.value()==1): #瓒呭0娉㈠彂灏勭鍙i厤缃? timpwm = Timer(4, freq=60) #瓒呭0娉?0璧吂鍙戝皠棰戠巼 ch1 = timpwm.channel(1, Timer.PWM, pin=Pin("P7"), pulse_width=80) #100us鍙戝皠瑙? #瓒呭0娉㈡帴鏀剁鍙i厤缃? tim_count = pyb.Timer(1) #瀹氭椂鍣ㄨ鏁? extint = pyb.ExtInt('P0', pyb.ExtInt.IRQ_RISING_FALLING, pyb.Pin.PULL_DOWN,Ultrasound)#寮€鍚閮ㄤ腑鏂? Echo = Pin('P0', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN) #鎸夐敭閰嶇疆 #select_Key = pyb.ExtInt('P2', pyb.ExtInt.IRQ_RISING, pyb.Pin.PULL_UP, selection) #selectpin = Pin('P2', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)#閫夋嫨鎸夐敭 #enter_Key = pyb.ExtInt('P3', pyb.ExtInt.IRQ_RISING, pyb.Pin.PULL_UP, enter) #enterpin = Pin('P3', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)#纭鎸夐敭 #涓插彛涓夐厤缃? uart = UART(3, 115200) uart.init(115200, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1) #115200 sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE)#璁剧疆鐏板害淇℃伅 sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA)#璁剧疆鍥惧儚澶у皬 sensor.skip_frames(20)#鐩告満鑷鍑犲紶鍥剧墖 sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False)#鍏抽棴鐧藉钩琛? clock = time.clock()#鎵撳紑鏃堕挓 while(True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() high = int(1.7*highcnt) blobs = img.find_blobs(black_threshold) if blobs: most_pixels = 0 largest_blob = 0 for i in range(len(blobs)): #鐩爣鍖哄煙鎵惧埌鐨勯鑹插潡鍙兘涓嶆涓€涓紝鎵惧埌鏈€澶х殑涓€涓? if blobs[i].pixels() > most_pixels: most_pixels = blobs[i].pixels() largest_blob = i #浣嶇疆鐜敤鍒扮殑鍙橀噺 err_x = int(80 - blobs[largest_blob].cx()) err_y = int(60 - blobs[largest_blob].cy()) print(blobs[largest_blob]) img.draw_rectangle(blobs[largest_blob].rect()) img.draw_cross(blobs[largest_blob].cx(),blobs[largest_blob].cy())#璋冭瘯浣跨敤 else: err_x = 0 err_y = 0
用write(Flag)也不行,改成数据用writechar(Flag)也不行import sensor,time,pyb,math,time,utime,image from pyb import Pin, Timer, UART clock = time.clock() # Tracks FPS. LINE_WIDTH = 10 THRESHOLD = 40 #屏幕尺寸 WIDTH = 160 HEIGHT = 120 ROI = (int((WIDTH-HEIGHT)/2),0,HEIGHT,HEIGHT) XO = int((WIDTH-HEIGHT)/2) CENTRAL_AREA = 20 #高度数据 highcnt = 0.0 high = 0 #xy平面误差数据 err_x = 0 err_y = 0 #超声波回调处理函数 def Ultrasound(line): if(Echo.value()==1): tim_count.init(prescaler=1799, period=1176)#打开定时器 if(Echo.value()==0): global highcnt tim_count.deinit() highcnt = tim_count.counter()#计数 uart.writechar(0x55) uart.writechar(0xAA) uart.writechar(0x10) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(high>>8) uart.writechar(high) uart.writechar(err_x>>8) uart.writechar(err_x) uart.writechar(err_y>>8) uart.writechar(err_y) uart.writechar(Flag) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0x00) uart.writechar(0xAA) print(high) #超声波发射端口配置 timpwm = Timer(4, freq=60) #超声波60赫兹发射频率 ch1 = timpwm.channel(1, Timer.PWM, pin=Pin("P7"), pulse_width=80) #100us发射角 #超声波接收端口配置 tim_count = pyb.Timer(1) #定时器计数 extint = pyb.ExtInt('P0', pyb.ExtInt.IRQ_RISING_FALLING, pyb.Pin.PULL_DOWN,Ultrasound)#开启外部中断 Echo = Pin('P0', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN) #串口三配置 uart = UART(3, 115200)#115200 uart.init(115200, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1) sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE)#设置灰度信息 sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA)#设置图像大小 #sensor.skip_frames(20)#相机自检几张图片 sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False)#关闭白平衡 while(True): high = int(1.7*highcnt) line_x1 = [0,0,0,0] line_x2 = [0,0,0,0] line_y1 = [0,0,0,0] line_y2 = [0,0,0,0] line_H = [0,0,0,0] line_V = [0,0,0,0] line_temp = [0,0,0,0] line_num = 0 line_num_y = 0 line_num_x = 0 num_H = 0 num_V = 0 Flag = int(0) weight = 0 clock.tick() # Track elapsed milliseconds between snapshots(). img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image. #print(img.height()) #检测图形 # img_2=img.binary([(0,127)],invert = 1) #image.binary(thresholds, invert=False)此函数将在thresholds内的 #图像部分的全部像素变为1白,将在阈值外的部分全部像素变为0黑。invert将图像 #的0 1(黑 白)进行反转,默认为false不反转。 # img_2.median(1, percentile=0.5) # img_2.erode(2) for i in range(int(HEIGHT/3)): for j in range(int(HEIGHT/3)): if img.get_pixel(i*3+XO,j*3) < 127 : weight += 1 #print(img.get_pixel(i,j)) print(weight) #下面开始检测特征线数(可去?) img.find_edges(image.EDGE_CANNY, threshold=(50, 80)) # Find edges lines = img.find_lines(roi = ROI,threshold = THRESHOLD) # Find lines. # lines = img.find_lines(threshold = THRESHOLD) img.draw_rectangle(ROI) #for l in lines: img.draw_line(l, color=(127)) # Draw lines #print(lines) # Note: Your OpenMV Cam runs about half as fast while if len(lines) != 0: #print(len(lines),lines) for i in range(len(lines)): #print(i) if lines[i][0] == 0: #为横线时 if line_x1 == [0,0,0,0]: #横一无值时 line_x1 = list(lines[i]) elif abs(line_x1[1]-lines[i][1]) < LINE_WIDTH: #为标准横一线时 for j in range(4): line_x1[j] = (i * line_x1[j] + lines[i][j])/(i+1) else: #不为标准横一线时 if line_x2 == [0,0,0,0]: #横二无值时 line_x2 = list(lines[i]) elif abs(line_x2[3]-lines[i][3]) < LINE_WIDTH: #为标准横二线时 for j in range(4): line_x2[j] = (i * line_x2[j] + lines[i][j])/(i+1) #为其他横线时舍弃 elif lines[i][1] == 0: #为竖线时 if line_y1 == [0,0,0,0]: #竖一无值时 line_y1 = list(lines[i]) elif abs(line_y1[0]-lines[i][0]) < LINE_WIDTH: #为标准竖一线时 for j in range(4): line_y1[j] = (i * line_y1[j] + lines[i][j])/(i+1) else: #不为标准竖一线时 if line_y2 == [0,0,0,0]: #竖二无值时 line_y2 = list(lines[i]) elif abs(line_y2[2]-lines[i][2]) < LINE_WIDTH: #为标准竖二线时 for j in range(4): line_y2[j] = (i * line_y2[j] + lines[i][j])/(i+1) #为其他竖线时舍弃 #为其他线时舍弃 line_all = [line_x1,line_y1,line_x2,line_y2] for k in range(len(line_all)): if line_all[k][2] == 140: line_num_x += 1 if line_all[k][3] == 120: line_num_y += 1 line_num = line_num_y + line_num_x if line_num == 2: if (line_num_y == 2) or (line_num_x == 2): Flag_0 = '-' else: Flag_0 = '+' elif line_num < 2: Flag_0 = '-' else: Flag_0 = '+' print(line_num) #line_all = [line_x1,line_y1,line_x2,line_y2] #print(line_all) #下面开始检测横纵中线 if len(lines) != 0: for i in range(len(lines)): #print(len(lines),lines) if lines[i][0] == 0: #为横线时 if line_H == [0,0,0,0]: #横一无值时 line_H = list(lines[i]) num_H += 1 elif abs(line_H[1]-lines[i][1]) < 3*LINE_WIDTH and abs(line_H[3]-lines[i][3]) < 3*LINE_WIDTH: for j in range(4): line_H[j] = (num_H * line_H[j] + lines[i][j])/(num_H+1) num_H += 1 elif lines[i][1] == 0: #为竖线时 if line_V == [0,0,0,0]: #横一无值时 line_V = list(lines[i]) num_V += 1 elif abs(line_V[0]-lines[i][0]) < 3*LINE_WIDTH and abs(line_V[2]-lines[i][2]) < 3*LINE_WIDTH: for j in range(4): line_V[j] = (num_V * line_V[j] + lines[i][j])/(num_V+1) num_V += 1 #print(line_x1) if line_H == [0,0,0,0]: line_H = [0,HEIGHT/2,(WIDTH-XO),HEIGHT/2] if line_V == [0,0,0,0]: line_V = [(XO+HEIGHT/2),0,(XO+HEIGHT/2),HEIGHT] line_H = [ int(x) for x in line_H ] line_V = [ int(x) for x in line_V ] img.draw_line(line_H,127) img.draw_line(line_V,127) print(line_H) print(line_V) #找直线的交点(已完成) if line_V[2] != line_V[0]: central_x = -(line_V[0]*HEIGHT/(line_V[2]-line_V[0])+line_H[1])/((line_H[3]-line_H[1])/(WIDTH-XO)-HEIGHT/(line_V[2]-line_V[0])) else: central_x = line_V[0] central_y = (line_H[3]-line_H[1])/(WIDTH-XO)*central_x+line_H[1] img.draw_cross(int(central_x),int(central_y),color=191) print(central_x) print(central_y) err_x = int(central_x - WIDTH/2) err_y = int(central_y - HEIGHT/2) #接下来是FLAG if (abs((central_y - (HEIGHT/2)) < CENTRAL_AREA) and (abs(central_x - (WIDTH/2)) < CENTRAL_AREA)): if Flag_0 == '+' : if weight > 300 : Flag = 0xFF #T else: Flag = 0x7F #L elif Flag_0 =='-' : Flag = 0x3F #I else: Flag = 0x00 #D print(Flag)