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  • 人脸识别

    • 请在这里粘贴代码# Face recognition with LBP descriptors.
      # See Timo Ahonen's "Face Recognition with Local Binary Patterns".
      # Before running the example:
      # 1) Download the AT&T faces database http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/DTG/attarchive/pub/data/att_faces.zip
      # 2) Exract and copy the orl_faces directory to the SD card root.
      import sensor, time, image
      SUB = "s2"
      NUM_SUBJECTS = 5
      #img = image.Image("/att_faces/%s/xx.bmp"%(SUB)).mask_ellipse()
      img = image.Image("/att_faces/%s/1.pgm"%(SUB))# mask_ellipse()在API中并未找到,不用这个并不影响
      d0 = img.find_lbp((0, 0, img.width(), img.height())) #从感兴趣的区域提取LBP(本地二进制模式)关键点
      img = None #初始化
      for s in range(1, NUM_SUBJECTS+1):
          dist = 0
          for i in range(2, NUM_SUBJECTS_IMGS+1):
      #        img = image.Image("/att_faces/s%d/xx.bmp"%(s, i)).mask_ellipse()
              img = image.Image("/att_faces/s%d/%d.pgm"%(s, i))
              d1 = img.find_lbp((0, 0, img.width(), img.height()))
              dist += image.match_descriptor(d0, d1)
      #对于LBP描述符,该函数返回一个表示整数的整数,两个描述符之间的差异。 然后你可以对此进行阈值/比较距离度量。
          print("Average dist for subject %d: %d"%(s, dist/NUM_SUBJECTS_IMGS))


    • 这个程序不是从摄像头里面识别人脸,是从SD卡的已知数据里识别人脸。

    • 奥奥,是这样啊,那请问有没有摄像头识别人脸的源码

    • 真的,分辨人脸,效果不好。