MemoryError: memory allocation failed, allocating
import sensor, image, time,pyb,math, struct from pyb import LED,Timer from pyb import UART uart = UART(3,500000)#初始化串口 波特率 500000 BlackPole=(0, 17, -26, 39, -11, 40) sensor.reset() # Initialize the camera sensor. sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # use RGB565. sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # use QQVGA for speed. sensor.set_windowing((70,0,40,120)) sensor.skip_frames(10) # Let new settings take affect. sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # turn this off. clock = time.clock() # Tracks FPS. led = pyb.LED(3) # Red LED = 1, Green LED = 2, Blue LED = 3, IR LEDs = 4. class Dot(object): flag = 0 #杆检测标志 1代表红色 2代表绿色 black_cnt = 0 Dot=Dot() class Receive(object): uart_buf = [] mode = 0 R=Receive() #读取串口缓存 def UartReadBuffer(): i = 0 Buffer_size = uart.any() while i<Buffer_size: R.uart_buf.append(uart.readchar()) print("found: Modeflag=",R.uart_buf[0]) #从单片机发给openmv的数据是50 if (R.uart_buf[0]==32): R.mode=1 if (R.uart_buf[0]==30): Dot.black_cnt=1 i = i + 1 #串口发送函数 def UartSendData(Data): uart.write(Data) #杆检测数据打包 def DotDataPack(flag): #print("found: flag=",flag) pack_data=bytearray([flag]) return pack_data #色块识别函数 #定义函数:找到画面中最大的指定色块 def FindMax(blobs): max_size=1 if blobs: max_blob = 0 for blob in blobs: blob_size = blob.w()*blob.h() if ( (blob_size > max_size) & (blob_size > 100) ) :#& (blob.density()<1.2*math.pi/4) & (blob.density()>0.8*math.pi/4) if ( math.fabs( blob.w() / blob.h() - 1 ) < 2.0 ) : max_blob=blob max_size = blob.w()*blob.h() return max_blob def LineFilter(src, dst): for i in range(0, len(dst), 1): dst[i] = src[i<<1] while(True): UartReadBuffer() clock.tick() # Track elapsed milliseconds between snapshots(). img = sensor.snapshot(line_filter = LineFilter)#拍一张图像 Black_blobs = img.find_blobs([BlackPole], pixels_threshold=3, area_threshold=3, merge=True, margin=5)#识别红色物体 max_blob = FindMax(Black_blobs)#找到最大的黑色色块那个 if (max_blob) and (R.mode==1): img.draw_cross(,物体中心画十字 img.draw_rectangle(max_blob.rect())#画圈 LED(3).toggle() if(Dot.black_cnt==0):#第一次黑色色块识别 Dot.flag =33 if(Dot.black_cnt==1):#第二次黑色色块识别 Dot.flag =34 #print(Dot.flag) UartSendData(DotDataPack(Dot.flag))
报错:MemoryError: memory allocation failed, allocating 131072 bytes
@kidswong999 smt32f407
@ghbd 使用OpenMV4 H7