# 拍摄移动物体 # # 注意:您将需要SD卡来运行此示例。 # # 此示例演示如何使用OpenMV的帧差异来进行运动检测。运动检测后,您的 # OpenMV将拍摄照片。 import sensor, image, pyb, os RED_LED_PIN = 1 BLUE_LED_PIN = 3 sensor.reset() # Initialize the camera sensor. sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # or sensor.GRAYSCALE sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) # or sensor.QQVGA (or others) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) # Let new settings take affect. sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # Turn off white balance. if not "temp" in os.listdir(): os.mkdir("temp") # Make a temp directory while(True): pyb.LED(RED_LED_PIN).on() print("About to save background image...") sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) # Give the user time to get ready. pyb.LED(RED_LED_PIN).off() sensor.snapshot().save("temp/bg.bmp") print("Saved background image - Now detecting motion!") pyb.LED(BLUE_LED_PIN).on() diff = 10 # We'll say we detected motion after 10 frames of motion. while(diff): img = sensor.snapshot() img.difference("temp/bg.bmp") stats = img.statistics() # state[5]是照明颜色通道的最大值。当整个图像的最大光照高于20时 # 触发下面的代码。 # 照明差异最大值应该为零。 if (stats[5] > 20): diff -= 1 pyb.LED(BLUE_LED_PIN).off() print("Movement detected! Saving image...") sensor.snapshot().save("temp/snapshot-%d.jpg" % pyb.rng()) # Save Pic.
该代码为官网代码,侦测到移动物体后,openmv一直在拍照,即使在而后静止状态下也在不断拍照,且ide窗口显示不正常,如图所示: 这种情况如何解决?