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  • 我想要按顺序识别色块,但为什么老说没定义center_x1呢,我前面有定义呀

    • while(True):
          clock.tick() # Track elapsed milliseconds between snapshots().
          img = sensor.snapshot() # 拍照,返回图像
          # 在图像中寻找满足颜色阈值约束(color_threshold, 数组格式), 像素阈值pixel_threshold, 色块面积大小阈值(area_threshold)的色块
          #blobs = img.find_blobs([red_threshold],[green_threshold],[blue_threshold])
          #blobs = img.find_blobs([red_threshold, green_threshold, blue_threshold],area_threshold=200,) #merge=True)
          red_blobs = img.find_blobs([red_threshold],area_threshold=200)# merge=False)
          green_blobs = img.find_blobs([green_threshold],area_threshold=200)# merge=False)
          blue_blobs=img.find_blobs([blue_threshold],area_threshold=200)#, merge=False)
          #if blobs:
              #for blob in blobs:
                  #x = blob[0] #x坐标
                   #y= blob[1] #y坐标
                  #width = blob[2] # 色块矩形的宽度
                  #height = blob[3] # 色块矩形的高度
                  #center_x = blob[5] # 色块中心点x值
                  #center_y = blob[6] # 色块中心点y值
                  #color_code = blob[8] # 颜色代码
          if red_blobs:
              for rblob in red_blobs:
                  x1 = rblob[0] #x坐标
                  y1 = rblob[1] #y坐标
                  width1 = rblob[2] # 色块矩形的宽度
                  height1 = rblob[3] # 色块矩形的高度
                  center_x1 = rblob[5] # 色块中心点x值
                  center_y1 = rblob[6] # 色块中心点y值
                  color_code1 = rblob[8] # 颜色代码
          if green_blobs:
              for gblob in green_blobs:
                  x2 = gblob[0] #x坐标
                  y2 = gblob[1] #y坐标
                  width2 = gblob[2] # 色块矩形的宽度
                  height2 = gblob[3] # 色块矩形的高度
                  center_x2 = gblob[5] # 色块中心点x值
                  center_y2 = gblob[6] # 色块中心点y值
                  color_code2 = gblob[8] # 颜色代码
          if blue_blobs:
              for bblob in blue_blobs:
                  x3 = bblob[0] #x坐标
                  y3 = bblob[1] #y坐标
                  width3 = bblob[2] # 色块矩形的宽度
                  height3 = bblob[3] # 色块矩形的高度
                  center_x3 = bblob[5] # 色块中心点x值
                  center_y3 = bblob[6] # 色块中心点y值
                  color_code3 = bblob[8] # 颜色代码
              # 添加颜色说明
              #if color_code == red_color_code:
               #   img.draw_string(x, y - 10, "red", color = (0xFF, 0x00, 0x00))
              #elif color_code == green_color_code:
               #   img.draw_string(x, y - 10, "green", color = (0x00, 0xFF, 0x00))
              #elif color_code == blue_color_code:
               #   img.draw_string(x, y - 10, "blue", color = (0x00, 0x00, 0xFF))
              #img.draw_rectangle([x, y, width, height])
              #img.draw_cross(center_x, center_y)
          if center_x1>center_x2 and center_x2>center_x3:
          if center_x1>center_x3 and center_x3>center_x2:
          if center_x2>center_x3 and center_x3>center_x1:
          if center_x2>center_x1 and center_x1>center_x3:
          if center_x3>center_x2 and center_x2>center_x1:
          if center_x3>center_x1 and center_x1>center_x2:

    • 你的代码是,只有找到了red_blobs,才会定义center_x1。


    • 那这程序要怎么改呢

    • 你想一下,如果没有找到红色的色块你要做什么。