OSError: This function is unavailable on your OpenMV Cam
出现OSError: This function is unavailable on your OpenMV Cam问题
在运行寻找rects示例代码时出错了while(True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() # `threshold` below should be set to a high enough value to filter out noise # rectangles detected in the image which have low edge magnitudes. Rectangles # have larger edge magnitudes the larger and more contrasty they are... for r in img.find_rects(threshold = 10000): img.draw_rectangle(r.rect(), color = (255, 0, 0)) for p in r.corners(): img.draw_circle(p[0], p[1], 5, color = (0, 255, 0)) print(r) print("FPS %f" % clock.fps())
中 for r in img.find_rects(threshold = 10000):显示出错
openmv2 没有find_rects函数
@kidswong999 emmmmmm可以额外问下那我还可以自己写底层函数来做形状识别的吗
@kidswong999 可以通过更新来解决吗?
@4i1y 不可以。唯一的办法就是换到最新的OpenMV电路板。
@kidswong999 如何使用旧板子?得自己写那些没有的函数?
@kidswong999 萌新,不太懂。就买个便宜的先玩玩。结果就这样了。。。。。。
@4i1y 不可以
@kidswong999 沮丧
@kidswong999 opencv底层是C写的?想把底层源码粘贴过来