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  • 小车巡线,theta角怎么获得?

    • # Fast Linear Regression Example
      # This example shows off how to use the get_regression() method on your OpenMV Cam
      # to get the linear regression of a ROI. Using this method you can easily build
      # a robot which can track lines which all point in the same general direction
      # but are not actually connected. Use find_blobs() on lines that are nicely
      # connected for better filtering options and control.
      # This is called the fast linear regression because we use the least-squares
      # method to fit the line. However, this method is NOT GOOD FOR ANY images that
      # have a lot (or really any) outlier points which corrupt the line fit...
      THRESHOLD = (0, 100) # Grayscale threshold for dark things...
      BINARY_VISIBLE = True # Does binary first so you can see what the linear regression
                            # is being run on... might lower FPS though.
      import sensor, image, time
      sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000)
      clock = time.clock()
          img = sensor.snapshot().binary([THRESHOLD]) if BINARY_VISIBLE else sensor.snapshot()
          # Returns a line object similar to line objects returned by find_lines() and
          # find_line_segments(). You have x1(), y1(), x2(), y2(), length(),
          # theta() (rotation in degrees), rho(), and magnitude().
          # magnitude() represents how well the linear regression worked. It goes from
          # (0, INF] where 0 is returned for a circle. The more linear the
          # scene is the higher the magnitude.
          #函数返回回归后的线段对象line,有x1(), y1(), x2(), y2(), length(), theta(), rho(), magnitude()参数。
          #x1 y1 x2 y2分别代表线段的两个顶点坐标,length是线段长度,theta是线段的角度。
          line = img.get_regression([(255,255) if BINARY_VISIBLE else THRESHOLD])
          if (line): img.draw_line(line.line(), color = 127)
          print("FPS %f, mag = %s" % (clock.fps(), str(line.magnitude()) if (line) else "N/A"))
      # About negative rho values:
      # A [theta+0:-rho] tuple is the same as [theta+180:+rho].
      这个例程里,怎么获得直线的theta角,这个算法的思想是什么啊 ?新手求教,万分感谢


