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  • openmv4h7plus自测故障

    • Self Test Example

      This example shows how your OpenMV Cam tests itself before being allowed out

      of the factory. Every OpenMV Cam should pass this test.

      import sensor
      import pyb

      def test_int_adc():
      adc = pyb.ADCAll(12)
      # Test VBAT
      vbat = adc.read_core_vbat()
      vbat_diff = abs(vbat - 3.3)
      if vbat_diff > 0.1:
      raise Exception("INTERNAL ADC TEST FAILED VBAT=%fv" % vbat)

      # Test VREF
      vref = adc.read_core_vref()
      vref_diff = abs(vref - 1.2)
      if vref_diff > 0.1:
          raise Exception("INTERNAL ADC TEST FAILED VREF=%fv" % vref)
      adc = None
      print("INTERNAL ADC TEST PASSED...")

      def test_color_bars():
      # Set sensor settings

      # Set sensor pixel format
      # Enable colorbar test mode
      # Skip a few frames to allow the sensor settle down
      for i in range(0, 100):
          image = sensor.snapshot()
      # color bars thresholds
      t = [
          lambda r, g, b: r < 70 and g < 70 and b < 70,  # Black
          lambda r, g, b: r < 70 and g < 70 and b > 200,  # Blue
          lambda r, g, b: r > 200 and g < 70 and b < 70,  # Red
          lambda r, g, b: r > 200 and g < 70 and b > 200,  # Purple
          lambda r, g, b: r < 70 and g > 200 and b < 70,  # Green
          lambda r, g, b: r < 70 and g > 200 and b > 200,  # Aqua
          lambda r, g, b: r > 200 and g > 200 and b < 70,  # Yellow
          lambda r, g, b: r > 200 and g > 200 and b > 200,
      ]  # White
      # color bars are inverted for OV7725
      if sensor.get_id() == sensor.OV7725:
          t = t[::-1]
      # 320x240 image with 8 color bars each one is approx 40 pixels.
      # we start from the center of the frame buffer, and average the
      # values of 10 sample pixels from the center of each color bar.
      for i in range(0, 8):
          avg = (0, 0, 0)
          idx = 40 * i + 20  # center of colorbars
          for off in range(0, 10):  # avg 10 pixels
              rgb = image.get_pixel(idx + off, 120)
              avg = tuple(map(sum, zip(avg, rgb)))
          if not t[i](avg[0] / 10, avg[1] / 10, avg[2] / 10):
              raise Exception(
                  "COLOR BARS TEST FAILED."
                  "BAR#(%d): RGB(%d,%d,%d)"
                  % (i + 1, avg[0] / 10, avg[1] / 10, avg[2] / 10)
      print("COLOR BARS TEST PASSED...")

      if name == "main":
      0_1725287137359_屏幕截图 2024-09-02 221628.png

    • 这个代码仅适用于旧版已停产的ov7725感光元件的 OpenMV2 \ OpenMV3 \ OpenMV4 R1.
      不适用于现在最新的MV4 H7 R2 / OpenMV4 H7 Plus / OpenMV RT 等产品。

    • 那请问适用openm4 h7 plus的这个代码在哪里。我book.openmv.cc里的这个代码试过了,IDE自带的也试过了都不行呢