我想问一下这个openmv4 h7 r2分辨率可以达到640*480但为啥这串代码再320*240时会出现
import sensor, image, time, math, pyb,time from pyb import UART, LED import ustruct LED_R = pyb.LED(1) # Red LED = 1, Green LED = 2, Blue LED = 3, IR LEDs = 4. LED_G = pyb.LED(2) LED_B = pyb.LED(3) LED_R.on() LED_G.on() LED_B.on() red_threshold_01 = ((100, 96, -7, 7, -22, 11)) # 红色阈值 black_color_threshold = (0, 14, -5, 48, -28, 17) # RGB565格式,对应黑色的阈值范围 sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) #sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must be turned off for color tracking #sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must be turned off for color tracking clock = time.clock() #LED_G.off() uart = UART(3, 9600) # 定义串口3变量 uart.init(9600, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1) # init with given parameters #data =f'* 90 135 90 45 45 45 45 135 90 135\r\n' #uart.write(data) #def sending_data(cx, cy): # global uart # ax=90+30/320*(160-cx) # ay=90+30/240*cy # print(f'{ay:.2f},{ax:.2f}') # uart.write(f'* {ay:.2f} {ax:2f}\r\n') while True: max_area = 0 max_rect = None clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() for r in img.find_rects(threshold=10000): # 只处理黑色的矩形 blobs = img.find_blobs([black_color_threshold], pixels_threshold=200, area_threshold=200, merge=True) if blobs: area = r.w() * r.h() if area > max_area: max_area = area max_rect = r if max_rect: img.draw_rectangle(max_rect.rect(), color=(255, 0, 0)) corners = max_rect.corners() # 数据处理 datas=[] print("左下 右下 右上 左上", corners) for p in corners: img.draw_circle(p[0], p[1], 5, color=(0, 255, 0)) ax=90+30/320*(160-p[0]) ay=90+30/240*p[1] datas.append(ay) datas.append(ax) datas_str = ' '.join(str(data) for data in datas) print(f'datas:{datas_str}') uart.write(f'* {datas_str}\r\n')
因为find_rects不能用在QVGA上。find_rects需要的内存多,OpenMV4 H7的内存不够。