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  • 必看:玩转星瞳论坛了解一下图片上传,代码格式等问题。
  • 怎样将摄像头光线调亮(感觉是程序的问题)

    • import sensor, image, time, math,lcd
      from pyb import UART

      Tracks a black line. Use [(128, 255)] for a tracking a white line.

      #GRAYSCALE_THRESHOLD = [(0, 77)]
      #设置阈值,如果是黑线,GRAYSCALE_THRESHOLD = [(0, 64)];
      #如果是白线,GRAYSCALE_THRESHOLD = [(128,255)]
      red_threshold = [(28, 100, -40, 88, 77, 10)] # L A B(19, 97, -47, 30, -22, 6)

      Each roi is (x, y, w, h). The line detection algorithm will try to find the

      centroid of the largest blob in each roi. The x position of the centroids

      will then be averaged with different weights where the most weight is assigned

      to the roi near the bottom of the image and less to the next roi and so on.

      ROIS = [ # [ROI, weight]
      (0, 060, 160, 20, 0.7), # You'll need to tweak the weights for you app
      #(0, 050, 160, 20, 0.3), # depending on how your robot is setup.
      (0, 030, 160, 20, 0.1)
      #如上图的最下方的矩形,即(0, 100, 160, 20, 0.7)

      Compute the weight divisor (we're computing this so you don't have to make weights add to 1).

      weight_sum = 0 #权值和初始化
      for r in ROIS: weight_sum += r[4] # r[4] is the roi weight.

      Camera setup...

      sensor.reset() # Initialize the camera sensor.
      sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # use grayscale.
      sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # use QQVGA for speed.
      #sensor.skip_frames(500) # Let new settings take affect.
      sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must be turned off for color tracking
      sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must be turned off for color tracking
      uart = UART(3, 9600)
      clock = time.clock() # Tracks FPS.
      Left = 'L'
      Right = 'R'
      Go = 'Q'

      #def find_max(blobs):
      #for blob in blobs:
      #if blob[2]*blob[3] > max_size:
      #max_size = blob[2]*blob[3]
      #return max_blob

      clock.tick() # Track elapsed milliseconds between snapshots().
      img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image.

      centroid_sum = 0
      for r in ROIS:
          blobs = img.find_blobs(red_threshold, roi=r[0:4], merge=True)
          # r[0:4] is roi tuple.
          if blobs:
              # Find the index of the blob with the most pixels.
              most_pixels = 0
              largest_blob = 0
              for i in range(len(blobs)):
                  if blobs[i].pixels() > most_pixels:
                      most_pixels = blobs[i].pixels()
                      #merged_blobs[i][4]是这个颜色块的像素总数,如果此颜色块像素总数大于                     #most_pixels,则把本区域作为像素总数最大的颜色块。更新most_pixels和largest_blob
                      largest_blob = i
              # Draw a rect around the blob.
              centroid_sum += blobs[largest_blob].cx() * r[4] # r[4] is the roi weight.
      center_pos = (centroid_sum / weight_sum) # Determine center of line.
      # Convert the center_pos to a deflection angle. We're using a non-linear
      # operation so that the response gets stronger the farther off the line we
      # are. Non-linear operations are good to use on the output of algorithms
      # like this to cause a response "trigger".
      deflection_angle = 0
      # The 80 is from half the X res, the 60 is from half the Y res. The
      # equation below is just computing the angle of a triangle where the
      # opposite side of the triangle is the deviation of the center position
      # from the center and the adjacent side is half the Y res. This limits
      # the angle output to around -45 to 45. (It's not quite -45 and 45).
      deflection_angle = -math.atan((center_pos-80)/60)
      #角度计算.80 60 分别为图像宽和高的一半,图像大小为QQVGA 160x120.
      # Convert angle in radians to degrees.
      deflection_angle = math.degrees(deflection_angle)
      img.draw_string(20, 10, "%.2f"%deflection_angle)
      if uart.any():
          if (uart.readchar() == ord('K')):
              if  (deflection_angle > 30 and deflection_angle < 53.130102):
                  #print("Left:%f" % deflection_angle)
              elif (deflection_angle > -30 and deflection_angle < 30):
                  #print("Go:%f" % deflection_angle)
              elif deflection_angle < -30:
                  #print("Right:%f" % deflection_angle)
              if deflection_angle == 53.130102 :
      # Now you have an angle telling you how much to turn the robot by which
      # incorporates the part of the line nearest to the robot and parts of
      # the line farther away from the robot for a better prediction.
      print("Turn Angle: %f" % deflection_angle)