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  • 为什么串口接受的数据始终是一个一个的字符?

    • 0_1690171669134_屏幕截图 2023-07-24 120046.png 0_1690171673132_屏幕截图 2023-07-24 120145.png 0_1690171678868_屏幕截图 2023-07-24 120204.png

      # UART Control
      # This example shows how to use the serial port on your OpenMV Cam. Attach pin
      # P4 to the serial input of a serial LCD screen to see "Hello World!" printed
      # on the serial LCD display.
      import time
      from pyb import UART
      # Always pass UART 3 for the UART number for your OpenMV Cam.
      # The second argument is the UART baud rate. For a more advanced UART control
      # example see the BLE-Shield driver.
      uart = UART(3, 19200, timeout_char=1000)
          if uart.any():
              a = uart.readline().decode().strip()     

    • 串口助手最后加上\r\n