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  • arduino_spi_slave 从设备通信错误

    • #include <SPI.h>
      #define SS_PIN 10
      #define BAUD_RATE 19200
      #define CHAR_BUF 128
      void setup() {
      pinMode(SS_PIN, OUTPUT);
      delay(1000); // Give the OpenMV Cam time to bootup.
      void loop() {
      int32_t temp = 0;
      char buff[CHAR_BUF] = {0};
      digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW);
      delay(1); // Give the OpenMV Cam some time to setup to send data.
      if (SPI.transfer(1) == 85) { // saw sync char?
      SPI.transfer(&temp, 4); // get length
      int zero_legnth = 4 + ((temp + 1) % 4);
      if (temp) {
      SPI.transfer(&buff, min(temp, CHAR_BUF));
      temp -= min(temp, CHAR_BUF);
      while (temp--) SPI.transfer(0); // eat any remaining bytes
      while (zero_legnth--) SPI.transfer(0); // eat zeros.
      digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);
      delay(1); // Don't loop to quickly.
      sketch_jan03a.ino: In function 'void loop()':
      sketch_jan03a:23: error: no matching function for call to 'SPIClass::transfer(int32_t*&, int)'
      D:\360Downloads\Arduino\libraries\SPI/SPI.h:55: note: candidates are: static byte SPIClass::transfer(byte)
      sketch_jan03a:24: error: invalid operands of types 'int32_t*' and 'int' to binary 'operator%'
      sketch_jan03a:26: error: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer
      sketch_jan03a:26: error: operands to ?: have different types 'int32_t*' and 'int'
      sketch_jan03a:27: error: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer
      sketch_jan03a:27: error: operands to ?: have different types 'int32_t*' and 'int'

      arduino UNO的板子应该没错吧 SPI.transfer(&temp, 4); // get length
      transfer第一个参数应该数传输的数组吧 这个程序传输的是数组吗?

    • 0_1546692688453_f5b32804-fff7-46dc-8a91-180d3e474f6c-image.png


    • @kidswong999 0_154676022284UCQ.png


    • 软件当然要用最新版的。😆

    • @kidswong999 好的 谢谢