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  • 运行示例程序Servo-shield程序时,报错OSError:[Error 110]ETIMEDOUT

    • OpenMV已经与PCA9685硬件连接,运行Servo-shield程序时,但是会报错OSError:[Error 110]ETIMEDOUT,该如何解决

      # Servo Shield Example.
      # This example demonstrates the servo shield. Please follow these steps:
      #   1. Connect a servo to any PWM output.
      #   2. Connect a 3.7v battery (or 5V source) to VIN and GND.
      #   3. Copy pca9685.py and servo.py to OpenMV and reset it.
      #   4. Connect and run this script in the IDE.
      import time
      from servo import Servos
      from machine import I2C, Pin
      i2c = I2C(sda=Pin('P5'), scl=Pin('P4'))
      servo = Servos(i2c, address=0x40, freq=50, min_us=650, max_us=2800, degrees=180)
      while True:
          for i in range(0, 8):
              servo.position(i, 0)
          for i in range(0, 8):
              servo.position(i, 180)


      import utime
      import ustruct
      class PCA9685:
      	def __init__(self, i2c, address=0x40):
      		self.i2c = i2c
      		self.address = address
      	def _write(self, address, value):
      		self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.address, address, bytearray([value]))
      	def _read(self, address):
      		return self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.address, address, 1)[0]
      	def reset(self):
      		self._write(0x00, 0x00)
      	def freq(self, freq=None):
      		if freq is None:
      			return int(25000000.0 / 4096 / (self._read(0xfe) - 0.5))
      		prescale = int(25000000.0 / 4096.0 / freq + 0.5)
      		old_mode = self._read(0x00)
      		self._write(0x00, (old_mode & 0x7F) | 0x10)
      		self._write(0xfe, prescale)
      		self._write(0x00, old_mode)
      		self._write(0x00, old_mode | 0xa1)
      	def pwm(self, index, on=None, off=None):
      		if on is None or off is None:
      			data = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.address, 0x06 + 4 * index, 4)
      			return ustruct.unpack('<HH', data)
      		data = ustruct.pack('<HH', on, off)
      		self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.address, 0x06 + 4 * index,  data)
      	def duty(self, index, value=None, invert=False):
      		if value is None:
      			pwm = self.pwm(index)
      			if pwm == (0, 4096):
      				value = 0
      			elif pwm == (4096, 0):
      				value = 4095
      			value = pwm[1]
      			if invert:
      				value = 4095 - value
      			return value
      		if not 0 <= value <= 4095:
      			raise ValueError("Out of range")
      		if invert:
      			value = 4095 - value
      		if value == 0:
      			self.pwm(index, 0, 4096)
      		elif value == 4095:
      			self.pwm(index, 4096, 0)
      			self.pwm(index, 0, value)


      import pca9685
      import math
      class Servos:
          def __init__(self, i2c, address=0x40, freq=50, min_us=600, max_us=2400, degrees=180):
              self.period = 1000000 / freq
              self.min_duty = self._us2duty(min_us)
              self.max_duty = self._us2duty(max_us)
              self.degrees = degrees
              self.freq = freq
              self.pca9685 = pca9685.PCA9685(i2c, address)
          def _us2duty(self, value):
              return int(4095 * value / self.period)
          def position(self, index, degrees=None, radians=None, us=None, duty=None):
              span = self.max_duty - self.min_duty
              if degrees is not None:
                  duty = self.min_duty + span * degrees / self.degrees
              elif radians is not None:
                  duty = self.min_duty + span * radians / math.radians(self.degrees)
              elif us is not None:
                  duty = self._us2duty(us)
              elif duty is not None:
                  return self.pca9685.duty(index)
              duty = min(self.max_duty, max(self.min_duty, int(duty)))
              self.pca9685.duty(index, duty)
          def release(self, index):
              self.pca9685.duty(index, 0)

      • 可能没连接好
      • 可能硬件不对

    • @kidswong999我开始怀疑你们这个程序有问题,这个程序没有问题是吗?你们测试过这个程序吗?

    • PCA9685的模块是不一样的。




    • @kidswong999 我已经扫描地址了,但是返回的结果的是空的,我是不是哪里写错了0_1529411835783_搜狗截图18年06月19日2034_1.png

    • 注意openmv要和pca965共地