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    • # Template Matching Example - Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC)
      # 这个例子展示了如何使用OpenMV凸轮的NCC功能将小部分图像与图像的各个部分
      # 进行匹配...期望获得极其可控的环境NCC并不是全部有用的。
      # 警告:NCC支持需要重做!到目前为止,这个功能需要做大量的工作才能有用。
      # 这个脚本将重新表明功能的存在,但在目前的状态是不足的。
      import time, sensor, image
      from image import SEARCH_EX, SEARCH_DS
      #从imgae模块引入SEARCH_EX和SEARCH_DS。使用from import仅仅引入SEARCH_EX, 
      # Reset sensor
      # Set sensor settings
      # Max resolution for template matching with SEARCH_EX is QQVGA
      # You can set windowing to reduce the search image.
      #sensor.set_windowing(((640-80)//2, (480-60)//2, 80, 60))
      # Load template.
      # Template should be a small (eg. 32x32 pixels) grayscale image.
      templates = ["/5.pgm", "/1.pgm"] #保存多个模板
      clock = time.clock()
      # Run template matching
      while (True):
          img = sensor.snapshot()
          # find_template(template, threshold, [roi, step, search])
          # ROI: The region of interest tuple (x, y, w, h).
          # Step: The loop step used (y+=step, x+=step) use a bigger step to make it faster.
          # Search is either image.SEARCH_EX for exhaustive search or image.SEARCH_DS for diamond search
          # Note1: ROI has to be smaller than the image and bigger than the template.
          # Note2: In diamond search, step and ROI are both ignored.
          for t in templates:
              template = image.Image(t)
              r = img.find_template(template, 0.70, step=4, search=SEARCH_EX) #, roi=(10, 0, 60, 60))
          #find_template(template, threshold, [roi, step, search]),threshold中
              if r:
                  print(t) #打印模板名字

      0_1689930943593_屏幕截图 2023-07-21 170734.png

    • 你的模板太大了。把模板改小。