import sensor, image, time from pyb import UART from pyb import LED #加入 import json #载入库 加入 import pyb import math def get_biggest_blob(b): max_blob = 0 max_blob_nb = 0 for i in range(len(b)): area = b[i].pixels() if area > max_blob: max_blob = area max_blob_nb = i return max_blob_nb def modified_data(data): data = int(data) str_data = '' if data < 10: str_data = str_data + '000' + str(data) elif data >= 10 and data < 100: str_data = str_data + '00' + str(data) elif data >=100 and data <1000: str_data = str_data + '0' + str(data) else: str_data = str_data + str(data) return str_data.encode('utf-8') led1 = pyb.LED(1) led2 = pyb.LED(2) led3 = pyb.LED(3) uart = UART(3, 115200) led1.on() led2.on() led3.on() sj=0 clock = time.clock() x=20 # 白天 ''' green_threshold_l =(11, 69, -66, -11, -15, 54) yellow_threshold =(35, 66, -11, 12, -4, 46) #黄色阈值 gray_threshold =(58, 88, -7, 23, -17, 6) #灰色阈值 red_threshold_r = (43, 62, 24, 88, 23, 69) red_threshold_l = (6, 25, 0, 48, -18, 64) #red_threshold = ((33, 74, 24, 80, -5, 73))#红色阈值 ''' # 夜晚 gray_threshold = (27, 92, -35, 26, -52, 5) yellow_threshold =(56, 77, -4, 19, 7, 82) #黄色阈值 green_threshold_l =(30, 57, -36, -10, -35, 26) #灰色阈值 red_threshold_r = (28, 52, 43, 77, 15, 61) red_threshold_l = (8, 35, -6, 56, -19, 29) sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) sensor.skip_frames(10) sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) clock = time.clock() while True: t=1 clock.tick() if uart.any(): sj = #sj = print("pp",sj,x) while (sj==b'1'): img = sensor.snapshot() green_blobs_l=img.find_blobs([green_threshold_l]) gray_blobs=img.find_blobs([gray_threshold]) yellow_blobs=img.find_blobs([yellow_threshold]) if yellow_blobs: ii = get_biggest_blob(yellow_blobs)