• OpenMV VSCode 扩展发布了,在插件市场直接搜索OpenMV就可以安装
  • 如果有产品硬件故障问题,比如无法开机,论坛很难解决。可以直接找售后维修
  • 发帖子之前,请确认看过所有的视频教程,https://singtown.com/learn/ 和所有的上手教程http://book.openmv.cc/
  • 每一个新的提问,单独发一个新帖子
  • 帖子需要目的,你要做什么?
  • 如果涉及代码,需要报错提示全部代码文本,请注意不要贴代码图片
  • 必看:玩转星瞳论坛了解一下图片上传,代码格式等问题。
  • 摄像头捕捉的图泛红 skip_frames(time = 3000) 只要这个时间一到 就泛红

    • 我用的是教程的代码

      # Single Color RGB565 Blob Tracking Example
      # This example shows off single color RGB565 tracking using the OpenMV Cam.
      import sensor, image, time, math
      threshold_index = 1 # 0 for red, 1 for green, 2 for blue
      # Color Tracking Thresholds (L Min, L Max, A Min, A Max, B Min, B Max)
      # The below thresholds track in general red/green/blue things. You may wish to tune them...
      thresholds = [(30, 100, 15, 127, 15, 127), # generic_red_thresholds
                    (30, 100, -64, -8, -32, 32), # generic_green_thresholds
                    (0, 30, 0, 64, -128, 0)] # generic_blue_thresholds
      sensor.skip_frames(time = 3000)
      sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must be turned off for color tracking
      sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must be turned off for color tracking
      clock = time.clock()
      # Only blobs that with more pixels than "pixel_threshold" and more area than "area_threshold" are
      # returned by "find_blobs" below. Change "pixels_threshold" and "area_threshold" if you change the
      # camera resolution. "merge=True" merges all overlapping blobs in the image.
          img = sensor.snapshot()
          for blob in img.find_blobs([thresholds[threshold_index]], pixels_threshold=200, area_threshold=200, merge=True):
              # These values depend on the blob not being circular - otherwise they will be shaky.
              if blob.elongation() > 0.5:
                  img.draw_edges(blob.min_corners(), color=(255,0,0))
                  img.draw_line(blob.major_axis_line(), color=(0,255,0))
                  img.draw_line(blob.minor_axis_line(), color=(0,0,255))
              # These values are stable all the time.
              img.draw_cross(blob.cx(), blob.cy())
              # Note - the blob rotation is unique to 0-180 only.
              img.draw_keypoints([(blob.cx(), blob.cy(), int(math.degrees(blob.rotation())))], size=20)

    • 0_1633334148194_微信图片_20211004153418.jpg

    • 我使用这个硬件和代码,没有出现泛红的情况。



    • 4.0.2 目前又好了

    • @kidswong999 我这里也有同学的摄像头出现这种情况 都是星瞳的摄像头 不过目前都好了