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  • 人脸识别为什么当我放一张风景照的时候也能跟录入的人脸库匹配上?程序就是用的官方例程,是精确度本身就这么低吗?

    • 0_1575469901681_捕获1.PNG

      Face recognition with LBP descriptors.

      See Timo Ahonen's "Face Recognition with Local Binary Patterns".

      Before running the example:

      1) Download the AT&T faces database http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/DTG/attarchive/pub/data/att_faces.zip

      2) Exract and copy the orl_faces directory to the SD card root.

      import sensor, time, image, pyb

      sensor.reset() # Initialize the camera sensor.
      sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) # or sensor.GRAYSCALE
      sensor.set_framesize(sensor.B128X128) # or sensor.QQVGA (or others)
      sensor.skip_frames(10) # Let new settings take affect.
      sensor.skip_frames(time = 5000) #等待5s

      #SUB = "s1"
      NUM_SUBJECTS = 6 #图像库中不同人数,一共6人
      NUM_SUBJECTS_IMGS = 20 #每人有20张样本图片


      img = sensor.snapshot()
      #img = image.Image("singtown/%s/1.pgm"%(SUB))
      d0 = img.find_lbp((0, 0, img.width(), img.height()))
      img = None
      pmin = 999999

      def min(pmin, a, s):
      global num
      if a<pmin:
      return pmin

      for s in range(1, NUM_SUBJECTS+1):
      dist = 0
      for i in range(2, NUM_SUBJECTS_IMGS+1):
      img = image.Image("singtown/s%d/%d.pgm"%(s, i))
      d1 = img.find_lbp((0, 0, img.width(), img.height()))
      dist += image.match_descriptor(d0, d1)#计算d0 d1即样本图像与被检测人脸的特征差异度。
      print("Average dist for subject %d: %d"%(s, dist/NUM_SUBJECTS_IMGS))
      pmin = min(pmin, dist/NUM_SUBJECTS_IMGS, s)#特征差异度越小,被检测人脸与此样本更相似更匹配。

      print(num) # num为当前最匹配的人的编号。