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  • 为什么圆形识别率这么低啊

    • import sensor, image, time
      sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # grayscale is faster
      sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000)
      clock = time.clock()
          img = sensor.snapshot().lens_corr(1.8)
          # Circle objects have four values: x, y, r (radius), and magnitude. The
          # magnitude is the strength of the detection of the circle. Higher is
          # better...
          # `threshold` controls how many circles are found. Increase its value
          # to decrease the number of circles detected...
          # `x_margin`, `y_margin`, and `r_margin` control the merging of similar
          # circles in the x, y, and r (radius) directions.
          # r_min, r_max, and r_step control what radiuses of circles are tested.
          # Shrinking the number of tested circle radiuses yields a big performance boost.
          for c in img.find_circles(threshold = 3500, x_margin = 15, y_margin = 15, r_margin = 15,
                  r_min = 20, r_max = 100, r_step = 2):
              img.draw_circle(c.x(), c.y(), c.r(), color = (255, 0, 0))
          print("FPS %f" % clock.fps())


    • 感觉不清晰。圆形和背景的区分度要高。

    • 我试过二值化,效果不是很好,边缘检测还行但是容易看不到