import sensor, image, time sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must be turned off for color tracking sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must be turned off for color tracking clock = time.clock() K=660#the value should be measured yellow_threshold = (9, 62, 9, 65, -80, -7) def find_max(blobs): max_size=0 for blob in blobs: if blob.pixels() > max_size: max_blob=blob max_size = blob.pixels() return max_blob while(True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() sensor.set_hmirror(False) #水平方向翻转 sensor.set_vflip(False) #垂直方向翻转 blobs = img.find_blobs([yellow_threshold]) #if not blobs: for r in img.find_rects(threshold = 30000): img.draw_rectangle(r.rect(), color = (255, 0, 0)) area = (r.x(),r.y(),r.w(),r.h()) for p in r.corners(): img.draw_circle(p[0], p[1], 5, color = (0, 255, 0)) # for c in img.find_circles(threshold = 3500, x_margin = 10, y_margin = 10, r_margin = 10, # r_min = 2, r_max = 100, r_step = 2): print (r) #area为识别到的圆的区域,即圆的外接矩形框 statistics = img.get_statistics(roi=area)#像素颜色统计 #print(statistics) #(94, 100, -128, 127, -128, 127)是红色的阈值,所以当区域内的众数(也就是最多的颜色),范围在这个阈值内,就说明是红色的圆。 #l_mode(),a_mode(),b_mode()是L通道,A通道,B通道的众数。 if 56<statistics.l_mode()<79 and 35<statistics.a_mode()<127 and -128<statistics.b_mode()<127:#if the circle is red img.draw_rectangle(area, color = (255, 255, 255)) #将非红色的圆用白色的矩形框出来 if blobs :#and len(blobs)==1 :就是这里应该怎么改!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # Draw a rect around the blob. max_blob=find_max(blobs) img.draw_rectangle(max_blob.rect()) img.draw_cross(max_blob.cx(), max_blob.cy()) output_str="[%d,%d]\n" % (max_blob.cx(),max_blob.cy()) #方式1 #output_str=json.dumps([max_blob.cx(),max_blob.cy()]) #方式2 print('you send:',output_str) b = blobs[0] img.draw_rectangle(b[0:4]) # rect img.draw_cross(b[5], b[6]) # cx, cy Lm = (b[2]+b[3])/2 length = K/Lm #print(Lm) print(length)