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    • # 边缘检测例子:
      # 这个程序示范了在图像上使用morph函数来进行边缘检测。
      # 然后在进行阈值和滤波
      import sensor, image, time
      import sensor, image, time, pyb
      kernel_size = 1 # kernel width = (size*2)+1, kernel height = (size*2)+1
      kernel = [-1, -1, -1,\
                -1, +8, -1,\
                -1, -1, -1]
      # 这个一个高通滤波器。见这里有更多的kernel
      # http://www.fmwconcepts.com/imagemagick/digital_image_filtering.pdf
      thresholds = [(100, 255)] # grayscale thresholds设置阈值
      sensor.reset() # 初始化 sensor.
      sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) # or sensor.RGB565
      sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # or sensor.QVGA (or others)
      sensor.skip_frames(10) # 让新的设置生效
      clock = time.clock() # 追踪FPS
      # 在OV7725 sensor上, 边缘检测可以通过设置sharpness/edge寄存器来增强。
      # 注意:这个会edge detection can be enhanced
      # significantly by setting the sharpness/edge registers.
      # Note: This will be implemented as a function later.
      if (sensor.get_id() == sensor.OV7725):
          sensor.__write_reg(0xAC, 0xDF)
          sensor.__write_reg(0x8F, 0xFF)
          clock.tick() # Track elapsed milliseconds between snapshots().
          img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image.
          img.morph(kernel_size, kernel)
          #morph(size, kernel, mul=Auto, add=0),morph变换,mul根据图像对比度
          # Erode pixels with less than 2 neighbors using a 3x3 image kernel
          img.erode(1, threshold = 2)
          #侵蚀函数erode(size, threshold=Auto),去除边缘相邻处多余的点。threshold
          print(clock.fps()) # Note: Your OpenMV Cam runs about half as fast while
          # connected to your computer. The FPS should increase once disconnected.


    • 在死循环里判断现在的时间,如果当前时间大于60秒就print。

