# MJPEG Streaming AP. # # This example shows off how to do MJPEG streaming in AccessPoint mode. # Chrome, Firefox and MJpegViewer App on Android have been tested. # Connect to OPENMV_AP and use this URL: to view the stream. import sensor, image, time, network, usocket, sys SSID ='OPENMV_AP' # Network SSID KEY ='1234567890' # Network key (must be 10 chars) HOST = '' # Use first available interface PORT = 8080 # Arbitrary non-privileged port # Reset sensor sensor.reset() # Set sensor settings sensor.set_contrast(1) sensor.set_brightness(1) sensor.set_saturation(1) sensor.set_gainceiling(16) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) # Init wlan module in AP mode. wlan = network.WINC(mode=network.WINC.MODE_AP) wlan.start_ap(SSID, key=KEY, security=wlan.WEP, channel=2) # Load Haar Cascade # By default this will use all stages, lower satges is faster but less accurate. face_cascade = image.HaarCascade("frontalface", stages=25) print(face_cascade) # You can block waiting for client to connect #print(wlan.wait_for_sta(10000)) def start_streaming(s): print ('Waiting for connections..') client, addr = s.accept() # set client socket timeout to 2s client.settimeout(2.0) print ('Connected to ' + addr[0] + ':' + str(addr[1])) # Read request from client data = client.recv(1024) # Should parse client request here # Send multipart header client.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" \ "Server: OpenMV\r\n" \ "Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=openmv\r\n" \ "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n" \ "Pragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n") # FPS clock clock = time.clock() # Start streaming images # NOTE: Disable IDE preview to increase streaming FPS. while (True): clock.tick() # Track elapsed milliseconds between snapshots(). frame = sensor.snapshot() cframe = frame.compressed(quality=35) header = "\r\n--openmv\r\n" \ "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n"\ "Content-Length:"+str(cframe.size())+"\r\n\r\n" client.send(header) client.send(cframe) #print(clock.fps()) img = sensor.snapshot() clock.tick() # Find objects. # Note: Lower scale factor scales-down the image more and detects smaller objects. # Higher threshold results in a higher detection rate, with more false positives. objects = img.find_features(face_cascade, threshold=0.75, scale=1.35) #image.find_features(cascade, threshold=0.5, scale=1.5),thresholds越大, #匹配速度越快,错误率也会上升。scale可以缩放被匹配特征的大小。 #在找到的目标上画框,标记出来 # Draw objects for r in objects: img.draw_rectangle(r) # Print FPS. # Note: Actual FPS is higher, streaming the FB makes it slower. #print(clock.fps()) if objects: middle = int((objects[0][0]+objects[0][2])/2) print(middle) else: print('no') #clock = time.clock() while (True): # Create server socket s = usocket.socket(usocket.AF_INET, usocket.SOCK_STREAM) try: # Bind and listen s.bind([HOST, PORT]) s.listen(5) # Set server socket timeout # NOTE: Due to a WINC FW bug, the server socket must be closed and reopened if # the client disconnects. Use a timeout here to close and re-create the socket. s.settimeout(3) start_streaming(s) except OSError as e: s.close() print("socket error: ", e) #sys.print_exception(e)
@19805185968 不同的问题单独发帖子。
@kidswong999 好的,但请先把WIFI无法脱机运行的的问题解决一下好吗,上面是代码
@kidswong999 并没有,电脑端并没有连接OPENMV的热点,还有就是使用5V电源直接供电OPENMV灯明显闪烁的不对,手机上也搜不到热点,我是使用充电宝供电才出现热点,但无法连接!