if uart.any():我试过,但是我看不到效果
if uart.any():
孙德桓 发布的帖子
RE: 请问:我想通过串口调试助手发送一个数据然后openmv根据这个指令去执行相应的操作
RE: 串口通信问题(问题思路清晰,感谢解答)
@kidswong999 在else里面啊,请问有没有外部给openmv串口通信,openmv接受的程序?并且可以处理字符
RE: 一个局部函数卡死的问题
@kidswong999 您好,在我的另一个问题里面变了(我贴代码了),这个没变,是因为我测但物体的时候,会出现kpts100 =0进不了if语句的情况,,但是我觉得语法没什么问题,不就是用退格代替大括号嘛
6贴两个代码,第一个可用,可以输出,但是个别情况卡死(kpts10=0)。第二个·是目标函数,错的。# Object tracking with keypoints example. # Show the camera an object and then run the script. A set of keypoints will be extracted # once and then tracked in the following frames. If you want a new set of keypoints re-run # the script. NOTE: see the docs for arguments to tune find_keypoints and match_keypoints. import sensor, time, image from pyb import UART import json # Reset sensor sensor.reset() # Sensor settings sensor.set_contrast(3) sensor.set_gainceiling(16) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.VGA) sensor.set_windowing((320, 240)) sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False, value=100) uart = UART(3, 115200) def draw_keypoints(img, kpts): if kpts: print(kpts) img.draw_keypoints(kpts) img = sensor.snapshot() time.sleep(1000) imgtarget=2 kpts1 = None # NOTE: uncomment to load a keypoints descriptor from file kpts1 = image.load_descriptor("/yxxjqr1.orb") kpts2 = image.load_descriptor("/yxxjqr2.orb") kpts3 = image.load_descriptor("/yxxjqr3.orb") kpts4 = image.load_descriptor("/yxxjqr4.orb") img = sensor.snapshot() #draw_keypoints(img, kpts1) uart = UART(3, 115200) clock = time.clock() while (True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() if (kpts1 == None): # NOTE: By default find_keypoints returns multi-scale keypoints extracted from an image pyramid. kpts1 = img.find_keypoints(max_keypoints=150, threshold=10, scale_factor=1.2) draw_keypoints(img, kpts1) else: # NOTE: When extracting keypoints to match the first descriptor, we use normalized=True to extract # keypoints from the first scale only, which will match one of the scales in the first descriptor. kpts100 = img.find_keypoints(max_keypoints=150, threshold=10, normalized=1) if (kpts100): if (imgtarget==1) : match = image.match_descriptor(kpts1, kpts100, threshold=85) elif (imgtarget==2) : match = image.match_descriptor(kpts2, kpts100, threshold=85) elif (imgtarget==3) : match = image.match_descriptor(kpts3, kpts100, threshold=85) elif (imgtarget==4) : match = image.match_descriptor(kpts4, kpts100, threshold=85) if (match.count()>10): # If we have at least n "good matches" # Draw bounding rectangle and cross. #img.draw_rectangle(match.rect()) img.draw_cross(match.cx(), match.cy(), size=10) output_str="[%d,%d]" % (match.cx(),match.cy()) uart.write(output_str+'\r\n') print(kpts100, "matched:%d dt:%d"%(match.count(), match.theta())) # NOTE: uncomment if you want to draw the keypoints #img.draw_keypoints(kpts2, size=KEYPOINTS_SIZE, matched=True) # Draw FPS img.draw_string(0, 0, "FPS:%.2f"%(clock.fps()))
# Object tracking with keypoints example. # Show the camera an object and then run the script. A set of keypoints will be extracted # once and then tracked in the following frames. If you want a new set of keypoints re-run # the script. NOTE: see the docs for arguments to tune find_keypoints and match_keypoints. import sensor, time, image from pyb import UART import json # Reset sensor sensor.reset() # Sensor settings sensor.set_contrast(3) sensor.set_gainceiling(16) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.VGA) sensor.set_windowing((320, 240)) sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False, value=100) def draw_keypoints(img, kpts): if kpts: print(kpts) img.draw_keypoints(kpts) img = sensor.snapshot() time.sleep(1000) imgtarget='2' kpts1 = None # NOTE: uncomment to load a keypoints descriptor from file kpts1 = image.load_descriptor("/yxxjqr1.orb") kpts2 = image.load_descriptor("/yxxjqr2.orb") kpts3 = image.load_descriptor("/yxxjqr3.orb") kpts4 = image.load_descriptor("/yxxjqr4.orb") img = sensor.snapshot() #draw_keypoints(img, kpts1) uart = UART(3, 115200) clock = time.clock() while (True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() if (kpts1 == None): # NOTE: By default find_keypoints returns multi-scale keypoints extracted from an image pyramid. kpts1 = img.find_keypoints(max_keypoints=150, threshold=10, scale_factor=1.2) draw_keypoints(img, kpts1) else: # NOTE: When extracting keypoints to match the first descriptor, we use normalized=True to extract # keypoints from the first scale only, which will match one of the scales in the first descriptor. kpts100 = img.find_keypoints(max_keypoints=150, threshold=10, normalized=1) if (kpts100): if (imgtarget=='1') : match = image.match_descriptor(kpts1, kpts100, threshold=85) elif (imgtarget=='2') : match = image.match_descriptor(kpts2, kpts100, threshold=85) elif (imgtarget=='3') : match = image.match_descriptor(kpts3, kpts100, threshold=85) elif (imgtarget=='4') : match = image.match_descriptor(kpts4, kpts100, threshold=85) if (match.count()>10): # If we have at least n "good matches" # Draw bounding rectangle and cross. #img.draw_rectangle(match.rect()) img.draw_cross(match.cx(), match.cy(), size=10) output_str="[%d,%d]" % (match.cx(),match.cy()) uart.write(output_str+'\r\n') print(kpts100, "matched:%d dt:%d"%(match.count(), match.theta())) # NOTE: uncomment if you want to draw the keypoints #img.draw_keypoints(kpts2, size=KEYPOINTS_SIZE, matched=True) #imgtarget=uart.readchar() # Draw FPS if uart.any(): #uart.write("132") #time.sleep(10) #print(uart.read(1)) imgtarget=uart.read(1) img.draw_string(0, 0, "FPS:%.2f"%(clock.fps()))
# Object tracking with keypoints example. # Show the camera an object and then run the script. A set of keypoints will be extracted # once and then tracked in the following frames. If you want a new set of keypoints re-run # the script. NOTE: see the docs for arguments to tune find_keypoints and match_keypoints. import sensor, time, image from pyb import UART import json # Reset sensor sensor.reset() # Sensor settings sensor.set_contrast(3) sensor.set_gainceiling(16) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.VGA) sensor.set_windowing((320, 240)) sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False, value=100) def draw_keypoints(img, kpts): if kpts: print(kpts) img.draw_keypoints(kpts) img = sensor.snapshot() time.sleep(1000) imgtarget=4 kpts1 = None # NOTE: uncomment to load a keypoints descriptor from file kpts1 = image.load_descriptor("/yxxjqr1.orb") kpts2 = image.load_descriptor("/yxxjqr2.orb") kpts3 = image.load_descriptor("/yxxjqr3.orb") kpts4 = image.load_descriptor("/yxxjqr4.orb") img = sensor.snapshot() #draw_keypoints(img, kpts1) uart = UART(3, 115200) clock = time.clock() while (True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() if (kpts1 == None): # NOTE: By default find_keypoints returns multi-scale keypoints extracted from an image pyramid. kpts1 = img.find_keypoints(max_keypoints=150, threshold=10, scale_factor=1.2) draw_keypoints(img, kpts1) else: # NOTE: When extracting keypoints to match the first descriptor, we use normalized=True to extract # keypoints from the first scale only, which will match one of the scales in the first descriptor. kpts100 = img.find_keypoints(max_keypoints=150, threshold=10, normalized=True) if (kpts100): if (imgtarget==1) : match = image.match_descriptor(kpts1, kpts100, threshold=85) elif (imgtarget==2) : match = image.match_descriptor(kpts2, kpts100, threshold=85) elif (imgtarget==3) : match = image.match_descriptor(kpts3, kpts100, threshold=85) elif (imgtarget==4) : match = image.match_descriptor(kpts4, kpts100, threshold=85) if (match.count()>10): # If we have at least n "good matches" # Draw bounding rectangle and cross. #img.draw_rectangle(match.rect()) img.draw_cross(match.cx(), match.cy(), size=10) output_str="[%d,%d]" % (match.cx(),match.cy()) uart.write(output_str+'\r\n') print(kpts100, "matched:%d dt:%d"%(match.count(), match.theta())) # NOTE: uncomment if you want to draw the keypoints #img.draw_keypoints(kpts2, size=KEYPOINTS_SIZE, matched=True) # Draw FPS #img.draw_string(0, 0, "FPS:%.2f"%(clock.fps())) time.sleep(10)