@kidswong999 这样吖,好的
blf6 发布的帖子
RE: 通过云端自动生成openmv的神经网络模型,进行目标检测。网页上训练效果很好,最后在openmv调试运行返回值都接近1
@kidswong999 我下载了github上的这个模型和代码
(上图为测试配戴口罩时的结果) -
RE: 通过云端自动生成openmv的神经网络模型,进行目标检测。网页上训练效果很好,最后在openmv调试运行返回值都接近1
@kidswong999 带口罩与不带口罩2中分别各230张,一共400多张,应该够了吖(因为我看教程是各200多张)
我按照教程学习识别口罩目标检测 通过云端自动生成openmv的神经网络模型 判断是否佩戴口罩。 前面除了API Key 密钥无法使用 好在可以文件上传 (不知道会不会有影响),然后一切顺利,最后生成的3个文件复制到openmv里 运行py脚本 测试结果奇怪 图片中是否佩戴 它的2个识别概率都十分接近1(甚至还有超过1的,这比识别错了还难受
生成的3个文件 添加至openmv的sd卡
代码# Edge Impulse - OpenMV Image Classification Example import sensor, image, time, os, tf sensor.reset() # Reset and initialize the sensor. sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # Set pixel format to RGB565 (or GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) # Set frame size to QVGA (320x240) sensor.set_windowing((240, 240)) # Set 240x240 window. sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) # Let the camera adjust. net = "trained.tflite" labels = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open("labels.txt")] clock = time.clock() while(True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() # default settings just do one detection... change them to search the image... for obj in tf.classify(net, img, min_scale=1.0, scale_mul=0.8, x_overlap=0.5, y_overlap=0.5): print("**********\nPredictions at [x=%d,y=%d,w=%d,h=%d]" % obj.rect()) img.draw_rectangle(obj.rect()) print(obj.output()) # This combines the labels and confidence values into a list of tuples predictions_list = list(zip(labels, obj.output())) for i in range(len(predictions_list)): print("%s = %f" % (predictions_list[i][0], predictions_list[i][1])) print(clock.fps(), "fps")
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.05078, 0.949219]
face = 1.050781
mask = 0.949219
8.2121 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.03906, 0.960938]
face = 1.039063
mask = 0.960938
8.21203 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.01563, 0.984375]
face = 1.015625
mask = 0.984375
8.21228 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.03516, 0.964844]
face = 1.035156
mask = 0.964844
8.2122 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.00781, 0.992188]
face = 1.007813
mask = 0.992188
8.21213 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.01563, 0.984375]
face = 1.015625
mask = 0.984375
8.21238 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.01563, 0.984375]
face = 1.015625
mask = 0.984375
8.2123 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.01563, 0.984375]
face = 1.015625
mask = 0.984375
8.21223 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.01563, 0.984375]
face = 1.015625
mask = 0.984375
8.21247 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.00781, 0.992188]
face = 1.007813
mask = 0.992188
8.21239 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.01563, 0.984375]
face = 1.015625
mask = 0.984375
8.21233 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.02344, 0.976563]
face = 1.023438
mask = 0.976563
8.21273 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.02344, 0.976563]
face = 1.023438
mask = 0.976563
8.21266 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.01172, 0.988281]
face = 1.011719
mask = 0.988281
8.21259 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.02344, 0.976563]
face = 1.023438
mask = 0.976563
8.21282 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.01563, 0.984375]
face = 1.015625
mask = 0.984375
8.21275 fps
Predictions at [x=0,y=0,w=240,h=240]
[1.01563, 0.984375]
face = 1.015625
mask = 0.984375
8.21268 fps