@lngz 在 OpenMV脱机执行与点击执行Tx、Ty有差异 中说:
# Untitled - By: zgm - 周五 12月 06 2024 import sensor, image, time, pyb, machine, math from pyb import UART, Pin, LED, ExtInt, RTC import onewire from ds18x20 import DS18X20 mydebug = False file_path = 'data\\' fram_list = [8, 9, 10, 11, 27, 32, 36, 38] # 读取配置参数 def read_args(): with open(file_path + "arg_log.txt", 'r') as f: # 0时间,1分辨率,2.3窗口大小,原点坐标ox,oy,oz, oRx,oRy,oRz, 10.11.12k值kx, ky, kz,阈值tx,ty,tz,tRx,tRy,tRz, 19n组重复求平均 args = f.readline().split(',') return args # 读取温度相关函数 def read_temperture(): # 设置数据引脚 data_pin = Pin('P0') # 根据实际连接情况选择引脚 # data_pin = '0' # 创建1-Wire总线对象 ow = onewire.OneWire(data_pin) # 创建DS18B20传感器对象 temp_sensor = DS18X20(ow) # 扫描并获取传感器地址 roms = temp_sensor.scan() # 发送温度转换命令 temp_sensor.convert_temp() time.sleep_ms(750) # 等待温度转换完成 temperture_list = [] # 读取温度值 for rom in roms: temp = temp_sensor.read_temp(rom) temperture_list.append(temp) return temperture_list # 初始化相机 def sensorinit(args): sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # WQXGA2(2592x1944),QXGA(2048x1536),UXGA(1600x1200),SVGA(800x600),VGA(640x480),QVGA(320x240),QQVGA(160x120),QQQVGA(80x60) sensor.set_framesize(fram_list[6]) sensor.set_windowing(544, 408) # (640x480),(320x240),(160x120),(80x60) sensor.skip_frames(3) # 跳3帧等待图形稳定 sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # 必须关闭自动增益z sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # 必须关闭白平衡 # 相机偏移量计算参数配置 def sensordata(args): f_x = 2000 # 2.8mm/1.4um=2000,f_x为像素焦距,1.4um是每个像素的尺寸 f_y = 2000 c_x = 0.5 * sensor.width() c_y = 0.5 * sensor.height() return f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y # 弧度转角度 def degrees(radians): return (180 * radians) / math.pi # 通过弧度求角度 # 剔除坏点 def remove_bad_data(o_data): # 计算均值 o_data_sum = 0 if len(o_data) == 0: return False for j in range(len(o_data)): o_data_sum = o_data[j] + o_data_sum u = o_data_sum / len(o_data) # 计算标准差 o_data_dd = 0 for k in range(len(o_data)): o_data_dd = o_data_dd + pow(o_data[k] - u, 2) std = pow(o_data_dd / (len(o_data) - 1), 0.5) # 剔除坏点 (新加注释,剔除坏点的方法就是,先计算标准差,然后每个值再减去均值得到一个差值,差值与标准差做比较) data_c = [] for data in range(len(o_data)): if math.fabs(o_data[data] - u) <= std: data_c.append(o_data[data]) # 计算剔除坏点后的均值 data_c_sum = 0 for j in range(len(data_c)): data_c_sum += data_c[j] data_mean = data_c_sum / len(data_c) return round(data_mean, 1) # 计算位移(偏移)信息(六自由度) def offset(args, f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y): Tx = [] Ty = [] for i in range(int(30)): img = sensor.snapshot() # 使用相机拍摄一张照片 tags = img.find_apriltags(fx=f_x, fy=f_y, cx=c_x, cy=c_y) if len(tags) == 0: if mydebug: print("no find apriltags") else: for tag in tags: Tx.append(tag.x_translation) Ty.append(tag.y_translation) Tx_mean = remove_bad_data(Tx) * float(15) # x均值(去除坏点)kx是传入的参数 Ty_mean = remove_bad_data(Ty) * float(15) # y均值(去除坏点) print(tag) with open(file_path + 'tmp.txt', 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as w: w.write(str(Tx) + '\n' + str(Ty) + '\n') w.write(str(tag) + '\n') print(str(Tx) + '\n' + str(Ty) + '\n') return Tx_mean, Ty_mean, tag.id # 数据采集并保存在txt def get_data(args, f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y): sensorinit(args) # 相机初始化 Tx_mean, Ty_mean, tag_id = offset(args, f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y) # 计算位移(偏移)信息(六自由度) Tx_change, Ty_change = round(Tx_mean - float(args[4]), 1), round(Ty_mean - float(args[5]), 1) temperture_list = read_temperture() sensor.shutdown(True) # 就测一次,测量关闭相机 localtime = rtc.datetime() mark = '00' data = mark + ',' + str(localtime[0]) + '-' + str("%02d" % localtime[1]) + '-' + str( "%02d" % localtime[2]) + ' ' + str("%02d" % localtime[4]) + ':' + str("%02d" % localtime[5]) + ':' + \ str("%02d" % localtime[6]) + ',' + str(tag_id) + ',' + str(Tx_change) + ',' + str(Ty_change) + ',' + str(temperture_list[0]) + ',' + str(temperture_list[1]) + ',' + str(temperture_list[2])+'\n' print(data) with open(file_path + 'tmp.txt', 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as w: # 记录偏转值 w.write(data) return Tx_change, Ty_change # 数据采集 def savedata(args, f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y): # 数据采集 阈值判断,超阈值立即发送 Tx_change, Ty_change = get_data(args, f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y) red_led = LED(1) green_led = LED(2) blue_led = LED(3) red_led.on() keyflg = 0 rtc = pyb.RTC() args = read_args() # 读取配置参数 f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y = sensordata(args) # 计算像素焦距和图像中心 localtime = tuple(map(int, args[0].split('-'))) rtc.datetime(localtime) # 配置初始时间 count = 0 while True: # 采集数据并发送 if keyflg == 0: if mydebug: print("start savedata") blue_led.off() green_led.on() red_led.off() # try: savedata(args, f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y) # 采集并保存数限制则报据,有超警 # except Exception as e: # print("Error:", e) green_led.off() blue_led.on() # time.sleep(30) count += 1 print("count :", count) if count > 2: keyflg = 2 # 调试 elif keyflg == 1: # keyflg = 0 red_led.off() blue_led.on() # odmydebug = mydebug # 记录当前调试状态 # mydebug = True # 设置为调试模式 # time.sleep(30) sensor.shutdown(True) # 关闭摄像头 green_led.off() blue_led.off() # mydebug = odmydebug # 恢复调试模式状态 else: blue_led.off() red_led.on() time.sleep(5) red_led.off() break
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