P4=TXD 连好了
按道理,是会接收到 132和149两个消息的,我试了一下optical flow的例子程序,也是收不到id为100的消息
# MAVLink AprilTags Landing Target Script. # # This script sends out AprilTag detections using the MAVLink protocol to # an ArduPilot/PixHawk controller for precision landing using your OpenMV Cam. # # P4 = TXD import image, math, pyb, sensor, struct, time # Parameters ################################################################# uart_baudrate = 115200 MAV_system_id = 1 MAV_component_id = 0x54 MAX_DISTANCE_SENSOR_enable = True lens_mm = 2.8 # Standard Lens. lens_to_camera_mm = 22 # Standard Lens. sensor_w_mm = 3.984 # For OV7725 sensor - see datasheet. sensor_h_mm = 2.952 # For OV7725 sensor - see datasheet. # Only tags with a tag ID in the dictionary below will be accepted by this # code. You may add as many tag IDs to the below dictionary as you want... # For each tag ID you need to provide then length of the black tag border # in mm. Any side of the tag black border square will work. valid_tag_ids = { 0 : 165, # 8.5" x 11" tag black border size in mm 1 : 165, # 8.5" x 11" tag black border size in mm 2 : 165, # 8.5" x 11" tag black border size in mm } ############################################################################## # Camera Setup sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) x_res = 160 # QQVGA y_res = 120 # QQVGA f_x = (lens_mm / sensor_w_mm) * x_res f_y = (lens_mm / sensor_h_mm) * y_res c_x = x_res / 2 c_y = y_res / 2 h_fov = 2 * math.atan((sensor_w_mm / 2) / lens_mm) v_fov = 2 * math.atan((sensor_h_mm / 2) / lens_mm) def z_to_mm(z_translation, tag_size): # z_translation is in decimeters... return (((z_translation * 100) * tag_size) / 165) - lens_to_camera_mm # Link Setup uart = pyb.UART(3, uart_baudrate, timeout_char = 1000) # Helper Stuff packet_sequence = 0 def checksum(data, extra): # output = 0xFFFF for i in range(len(data)): tmp = data[i] ^ (output & 0xFF) tmp = (tmp ^ (tmp << 4)) & 0xFF output = ((output >> 8) ^ (tmp << 8) ^ (tmp << 3) ^ (tmp >> 4)) & 0xFFFF tmp = extra ^ (output & 0xFF) tmp = (tmp ^ (tmp << 4)) & 0xFF output = ((output >> 8) ^ (tmp << 8) ^ (tmp << 3) ^ (tmp >> 4)) & 0xFFFF return output MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_message_id = 132 MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_min_distance = 1 # in cm MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_max_distance = 10000 # in cm MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_type = 0 # MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_LASER MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_id = 0 # unused MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_orientation = 25 # MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_PITCH_270 MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_covariance = 0 # unused MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_extra_crc = 85 # # def send_distance_sensor_packet(tag, tag_size): global packet_sequence temp = struct.pack("<lhhhbbbb", 0, MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_min_distance, MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_max_distance, min(max(int(z_to_mm(tag.z_translation(), tag_size) / 10), MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_min_distance), MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_max_distance), MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_type, MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_id, MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_orientation, MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_covariance) temp = struct.pack("<bbbbb14s", 14, packet_sequence & 0xFF, MAV_system_id, MAV_component_id, MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_message_id, temp) temp = struct.pack("<b19sh", 0xFE, temp, checksum(temp, MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_extra_crc)) packet_sequence += 1 uart.write(temp) MAV_LANDING_TARGET_message_id = 149 MAV_LANDING_TARGET_min_distance = 1/100 # in meters MAV_LANDING_TARGET_max_distance = 10000/100 # in meters MAV_LANDING_TARGET_frame = 8 # MAV_FRAME_BODY_NED MAV_LANDING_TARGET_extra_crc = 200 # # def send_landing_target_packet(tag, w, h, tag_size): global packet_sequence temp = struct.pack("<qfffffbb", 0, (( / w) - 0.5) * h_fov, (( / h) - 0.5) * v_fov, min(max(z_to_mm(tag.z_translation(), tag_size) / 1000, MAV_LANDING_TARGET_min_distance), MAV_LANDING_TARGET_max_distance), 0.0, 0.0, 0, MAV_LANDING_TARGET_frame) temp = struct.pack("<bbbbb30s", 30, packet_sequence & 0xFF, MAV_system_id, MAV_component_id, MAV_LANDING_TARGET_message_id, temp) temp = struct.pack("<b35sh", 0xFE, temp, checksum(temp, MAV_LANDING_TARGET_extra_crc)) packet_sequence += 1 uart.write(temp) # Main Loop clock = time.clock() while(True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() tags = sorted(img.find_apriltags(fx=f_x, fy=f_y, cx=c_x, cy=c_y), key = lambda x: x.w() * x.h(), reverse = True) if tags and (tags[0].id() in valid_tag_ids): if MAX_DISTANCE_SENSOR_enable: send_distance_sensor_packet(tags[0], valid_tag_ids[tags[0].id()]) send_landing_target_packet(tags[0], img.width(), img.height(), valid_tag_ids[tags[0].id()]) img.draw_rectangle(tags[0].rect()) img.draw_cross(tags[0].cx(), tags[0].cy()) print("Distance %f mm - FPS %f" % (z_to_mm(tags[0].z_translation(), valid_tag_ids[tags[0].id()]), clock.fps())) else: print("FPS %f" % clock.fps())