请在这里粘贴代码# Edge Impulse - OpenMV Object Detection Example import sensor, image, time, os, tf, math, uos, gc from pyb import UART import chess sensor.reset() # Reset and initialize the sensor. sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # Set pixel format to RGB565 (or GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) # Set frame size to QVGA (320x240) sensor.set_windowing((240, 240)) # Set 240x240 window. sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) # Let the camera adjust. sensor.set_auto_gain(True) sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) uart = UART(3, 115200) #OpenMV RT 用UART(1)这行,注释掉上一行UART(3) #生成九宫格的区域位置 def generate_centered_rois(width, height, b, k): rois = [] # 计算每个ROI中心的位置偏移 offset = (b - k) // 2 # 计算整个3x3矩阵的宽度和高度 total_width = 3 * b total_height = 3 * b # 计算左上角的起始点,使矩阵居中 start_x = (width - total_width) // 2 start_y = (height - total_height) // 2 for i in range(3): row = [] for j in range(3): x_center = start_x + j * b + b // 2 y_center = start_y + i * b + b // 2 x = x_center - k // 2 y = y_center - k // 2 row.append((x, y, k, k)) rois.append(row) return rois distance = 53 block = 18 # 九宫格的区域位置 rois = generate_centered_rois(sensor.width(), sensor.height(), distance, block) # 棋盘数组 # 黑子:X # 白子:O # 没有棋子:空字符串 board = [ [" "," "," "], [" "," "," "], [" "," "," "], ] clock = time.clock() while(True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() # 图像识别得到棋盘数组 for y in range(len(rois)): for x in range(len(rois[y])): gray = img.get_statistics(roi=rois[y][x]).mean() if gray < 45: board[y][x] = "X" elif gray > 60: board[y][x] = "O" else: board[y][x] = " " # 打印当前棋盘数组 for line in board: print(line) print() # 画棋盘数组 for y in range(len(rois)): for x in range(len(rois[y])): if board[y][x] == "X": color = 255 elif board[y][x] == "O": color = 0 elif board[y][x] == " ": color = 127 img.draw_rectangle(rois[y][x], color=color) #第四题 数据接收 接收1发送坐标 if uart.any(): data=uart.read(1) if data==b'0' : if chess.check_win(board, 'O'): print("你赢啦!") elif chess.check_win(board, 'X'): print("我赢啦!") elif chess.check_draw(board): print("平局啦!") elif chess.check_turn(board) == "X": # 计算下一步棋子放在哪里 line,row =chess.computer_move(board) sensor.flush() elif chess.check_turn(board) == "O": print("该你下了!") if line==0 and row ==0 : uart.writechar(1) elif line==0 and row==1: uart.writechar(2) elif line==0 and row==2: uart.writechar(3) elif line==1 and row==0: uart.writechar(4) elif line==1 and row==1: uart.writechar(5) elif line==1 and row==2: uart.writechar(6) elif line==2 and row==0: uart.writechar(7) elif line==2 and row==1: uart.writechar(8) elif line==2 and row==2: uart.writechar(9) #第五题 数据接收 接收1发送坐标 if uart.any(): data=uart.read(1) if data==b'1' : if chess.check_win(board, 'O'): print("你赢啦!") elif chess.check_win(board, 'X'): print("我赢啦!") elif chess.check_draw(board): print("平局啦!") elif chess.check_turn(board) == "O": # 计算下一步棋子放在哪里 line,row =chess.computer_move(board) sensor.flush() elif chess.check_turn(board) == "X": print("该你下了!") if line==0 and row ==0 : uart.writechar(1) elif line==0 and row==1: uart.writechar(2) elif line==0 and row==2: uart.writechar(3) elif line==1 and row==0: uart.writechar(4) elif line==1 and row==1: uart.writechar(5) elif line==1 and row==2: uart.writechar(6) elif line==2 and row==0: uart.writechar(7) elif line==2 and row==1: uart.writechar(8) elif line==2 and row==2: uart.writechar(9)
SIZE = 3
def check_win(board, player):
# Check rows and columns
for i in range(SIZE):
if all(board[i][j] == player for j in range(SIZE)) or
all(board[j][i] == player for j in range(SIZE)):
return True
# Check diagonals
if all(board[i][i] == player for i in range(SIZE)) or
all(board[i][SIZE - 1 - i] == player for i in range(SIZE)):
return True
return False检查平局了吗
def check_draw(board):
return all(board[i][j] != ' ' for i in range(SIZE) for j in range(SIZE))计算策略得分
def minimax(board, depth, is_maximizing):
computer = 'X'
player = 'O'if check_win(board, computer): return 10 - depth if check_win(board, player): return depth - 10 if check_draw(board): return 0 if is_maximizing: best_score = float('-inf') for i in range(SIZE): for j in range(SIZE): if board[i][j] == ' ': board[i][j] = computer score = minimax(board, depth + 1, False) board[i][j] = ' ' best_score = max(score, best_score) return best_score else: best_score = float('inf') for i in range(SIZE): for j in range(SIZE): if board[i][j] == ' ': board[i][j] = player score = minimax(board, depth + 1, True) board[i][j] = ' ' best_score = min(score, best_score) return best_score
def computer_move(board):
if board == [
[" "," "," "],
[" "," "," "],
[" "," "," "]
return 1,1
best_score = float('-inf')
move = (-1, -1)
for i in range(SIZE):
for j in range(SIZE):
if board[i][j] == ' ':
board[i][j] = 'X'
score = minimax(board, 0, False)
board[i][j] = ' '
if score > best_score:
best_score = score
move = (i, j)
if move != (-1, -1):
# board[move[0]][move[1]] = 'X'
print(f"Computer places X at ({move[0]}, {move[1]})")
return move[0], move[1]检查该谁走了
def check_turn(board):
x_count = sum(row.count("X") for row in board)
o_count = sum(row.count("O") for row in board)
return "X" if x_count == o_count else "O"